From OpenFabrics Alliance Wiki
- Pavel Shamis
- Susan Coulter
- Florent Parent
- Dustin Leverman
- Oscar Hernandez
- Jesse Martinez
- Justin Wood
- Manjunath Gorentla Venkata
- others (505 are code)
total of 11 (?)
- We have an overall consensus in the group that we need define
the taxonomy of the tools for OFA/IB networks: - Classify the tools - Identify unique capabilities - Identify missing capabilities - Last release date (some tools are outdated and not supported)
- Leverman / ORNL: ORNL developed tools running on endhost: monitor counters and HCA-PCI speed.
- Oscar: need do define the taxonomy of tools, who is the maintainer, what differentiates this tools from others, etc.
- Susan: Some commercial tools are not flexible enough since those require vendor specific drivers.
- We would like schedule tools call every two weeks and ask one of the tools authors makes presentation about the tool.
next actions
- Susan: bridge with TAC meeting
- Florent: create wiki account for Pavel
- Florent: start putting user tools information and meeting notes on wiki