]> git.openfabrics.org - ~emulex/libocrdma.git/commitdiff
Added libocrdma files
authorMahesh Vardhamanaiah <maheshv@openfabrics.org>
Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:09:16 +0000 (11:09 -0700)
committerMahesh Vardhamanaiah <maheshv@openfabrics.org>
Tue, 30 Jul 2013 18:09:16 +0000 (11:09 -0700)
16 files changed:
AUTHORS [new file with mode: 0644]
COPYING [new file with mode: 0644]
Changelog [new file with mode: 0644]
Makefile.am [new file with mode: 0644]
README [new file with mode: 0644]
autogen.sh [new file with mode: 0644]
config/.gitignore [new file with mode: 0644]
configure.in [new file with mode: 0644]
libocrdma.spec.in [new file with mode: 0644]
ocrdma.driver [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ocrdma.map [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ocrdma_abi.h [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ocrdma_list.h [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ocrdma_main.c [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ocrdma_main.h [new file with mode: 0644]
src/ocrdma_verbs.c [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..0acfd9d
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Emulex Corporation.
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f46bbb1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,282 @@
+                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+                      Version 2, June 1991
+ Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+                       51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+                           Preamble
+  The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
+freedom to share and change it.  By contrast, the GNU General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users.  This
+General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
+Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
+using it.  (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
+the GNU Library General Public License instead.)  You can apply it to
+your programs, too.
+  When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
+have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
+this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
+if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
+in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+  To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+  For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have.  You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code.  And you must show them these terms so they know their
+  We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+  Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software.  If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+  Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
+patents.  We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
+program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
+program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
+patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
+  The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+                   GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
+  0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
+a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
+under the terms of this General Public License.  The "Program", below,
+refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
+means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
+that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
+either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
+language.  (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
+the term "modification".)  Each licensee is addressed as "you".
+Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
+covered by this License; they are outside its scope.  The act of
+running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
+is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
+Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
+Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
+  1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
+source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
+conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
+copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
+notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
+and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
+along with the Program.
+You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
+you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
+  2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
+of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
+distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
+above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
+    a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
+    stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
+    b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
+    whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
+    part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
+    parties under the terms of this License.
+    c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
+    when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
+    interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
+    announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
+    notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
+    a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
+    these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
+    License.  (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
+    does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
+    the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
+These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole.  If
+identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
+and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
+themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
+sections when you distribute them as separate works.  But when you
+distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
+on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
+this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
+entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
+Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
+your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
+exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
+collective works based on the Program.
+In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
+with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
+a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
+the scope of this License.
+  3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
+under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+    a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+    source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
+    1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+    years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
+    cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
+    machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
+    distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
+    customarily used for software interchange; or,
+    c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
+    to distribute corresponding source code.  (This alternative is
+    allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+    received the program in object code or executable form with such
+    an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
+The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
+making modifications to it.  For an executable work, complete source
+code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
+associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
+control compilation and installation of the executable.  However, as a
+special exception, the source code distributed need not include
+anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
+form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
+operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
+itself accompanies the executable.
+If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
+access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
+access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
+distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
+compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
+  4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
+except as expressly provided under this License.  Any attempt
+otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
+void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
+However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
+this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
+parties remain in full compliance.
+  5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
+signed it.  However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
+distribute the Program or its derivative works.  These actions are
+prohibited by law if you do not accept this License.  Therefore, by
+modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
+all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
+the Program or works based on it.
+  6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
+original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
+these terms and conditions.  You may not impose any further
+restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
+this License.
+  7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
+infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
+conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
+otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
+excuse you from the conditions of this License.  If you cannot
+distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
+License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
+may not distribute the Program at all.  For example, if a patent
+license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
+all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
+the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
+refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
+If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
+any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
+apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
+It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
+patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
+such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
+integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
+implemented by public license practices.  Many people have made
+generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
+through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
+system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
+to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
+impose that choice.
+This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
+be a consequence of the rest of this License.
+  8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
+certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
+original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
+may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
+those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
+countries not thus excluded.  In such case, this License incorporates
+the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
+  9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time.  Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number.  If the Program
+specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation.  If the Program does not specify a version number of
+this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+  10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission.  For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this.  Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+                           NO WARRANTY
+                    END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS
diff --git a/Changelog b/Changelog
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..e69de29
diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..c07f38c
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+lib_LTLIBRARIES = src/libocrdma.la
+    ocrdma_version_script = -Wl,--version-script=$(srcdir)/src/ocrdma.map
+    ocrdma_version_script =
+src_libocrdma_la_SOURCES = src/ocrdma_main.c src/ocrdma_verbs.c
+src_libocrdma_la_LDFLAGS = -avoid-version -module -release @IBV_DEVICE_LIBRARY_EXTENSION@\
+    $(ocrdma_version_script)
+ocrdmaconfdir = $(sysconfdir)/libibverbs.d
+ocrdmaconf_DATA = ocrdma.driver
+EXTRA_DIST = src/ocrdma.map src/ocrdma_main.h src/ocrdma_abi.h \
+             src/ocrdma_list.h libocrdma.spec.in ocrdma.driver
+dist-hook: libocrdma.spec
+       cp libocrdma.spec $(distdir)
diff --git a/README b/README
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..6ae30fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/README
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+libocrdma is a userspace driver for Emulex OneConnect RDMA Adapters.
+It is a plug-in module for libibverbs that allows programs to use
+Emulex RDMA hardware directly from userspace. See the libibverbs
+package for more information.
+Using libocrdma
+libocrdma will be loaded and used automatically by programs linked
+with libibverbs. The ocrdma kernel modules must be loaded for RDMA
+devices to be detected and used.
+Supported Hardware
+libocrdma supports all RDMA capable  Emulex adapters.
diff --git a/autogen.sh b/autogen.sh
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..fd47839
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+set -x
+aclocal -I config
+libtoolize --force --copy
+automake --foreign --add-missing --copy
diff --git a/config/.gitignore b/config/.gitignore
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..4d4c7b1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/configure.in b/configure.in
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..24af2a4
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+dnl Process this file with autoconf to produce a configure script.
+AC_INIT(libocrdma, 1.3.0, linux-rdma@vger.kernel.org)
+AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE(libocrdma, 1.0.0)
+AC_ARG_ENABLE(libcheck, [ --disable-libcheck    do not test for the presence of ib libraries],
+[      if test x$enableval = xno ; then
+               disable_libcheck=yes
+       fi
+dnl Checks for programs
+dnl Checks for libraries
+if test "$disable_libcheck" != "yes"
+AC_CHECK_LIB(ibverbs, ibv_get_device_list, [],
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([ibv_get_device_list() not found.  libocrdma requires libibverbs.]))
+dnl Checks for header files.
+if test "$disable_libcheck" != "yes"
+AC_CHECK_HEADER(infiniband/driver.h, [],
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([<infiniband/driver.h> not found.  Is libibverbs installed?]))
+dnl Checks for typedefs, structures, and compiler characteristics.
+dnl Checks for library functions
+AC_CHECK_FUNCS(ibv_read_sysfs_file ibv_register_driver)
+dnl Check for libibverbs device library extension
+cat <<IBV_VERSION > $dummy.c
+#include <infiniband/driver.h>
+IBV_DEVICE_LIBRARY_EXTENSION=`$CC $CPPFLAGS -E $dummy.c 2> /dev/null | tail -1`
+rm -f $dummy.c
+    AC_MSG_ERROR([IBV_DEVICE_LIBRARY_EXTENSION not defined.  Is libibverbs new enough?])
+AC_CACHE_CHECK(whether ld accepts --version-script, ac_cv_version_script,
+    if test -n "`$LD --help < /dev/null 2>/dev/null | grep version-script`"; then
+        ac_cv_version_script=yes
+    else
+        ac_cv_version_script=no
+    fi)
+AM_CONDITIONAL(HAVE_LD_VERSION_SCRIPT, test "$ac_cv_version_script" = "yes")
+AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile libocrdma.spec])
diff --git a/libocrdma.spec.in b/libocrdma.spec.in
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..2e74263
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+%define ver @VERSION@
+Name: libocrdma
+Version: 0.0.1
+Release: 1%{?dist}
+Summary: Emulex OneConnect SLI4 Compliant RDMA Open Fabrics Userspace Library
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+License: GPL/BSD
+Url: http://www.openfabrics.org/
+Source: http://www.openfabrics.org/downloads/ocrdma/%{name}-%{ver}.tar.gz
+BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
+BuildRequires: libibverbs-devel
+libocrdma provides a device-specific userspace driver for Emulex OneConnect RDMAAdapters for use with the libibverbs library.
+%package devel
+Summary: Development files for the libocrdma driver
+Group: System Environment/Libraries
+Requires: %{name} = %{version}-%{release}
+%description devel
+Static version of libocrdma that may be linked directly to an
+application, which may be useful for debugging.
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{ver}
+make %{?_smp_mflags}
+# remove unpackaged files from the buildroot
+rm -f $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_libdir}/*.la
+%config %{_sysconfdir}/libibverbs.d/ocrdma.driver
+%files devel
diff --git a/ocrdma.driver b/ocrdma.driver
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..dead9f8
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+driver ocrdma
diff --git a/src/ocrdma.map b/src/ocrdma.map
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..ae8ed86
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+       global:
+               openib_driver_init;
+       local: *;
diff --git a/src/ocrdma_abi.h b/src/ocrdma_abi.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..12ce74b
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Emulex.  All rights reserved.
+ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
+ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
+ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
+ * BSD license below:
+ *
+ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+ *     conditions are met:
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer.
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *        provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __OCRDMA_ABI_H__
+#define __OCRDMA_ABI_H__
+#include <infiniband/kern-abi.h>
+#define Bit(_b) (1 << (_b))
+#define OCRDMA_MAX_QP    2048
+enum {
+       OCRDMA_DB_RQ_OFFSET             = 0xE0,
+       OCRDMA_DB_SQ_OFFSET             = 0x60,
+       OCRDMA_DB_CQ_OFFSET             = 0x120
+#define OCRDMA_DB_CQ_RING_ID_MASK              0x3FF   /* bits 0 - 9 */
+#define OCRDMA_DB_CQ_RING_ID_EXT_MASK          0x0C00  /* bits 10-11 */
+#define OCRDMA_DB_CQ_RING_ID_EXT_MASK_SHIFT    0x1     /* bits 12-11 */
+#define OCRDMA_DB_CQ_NUM_POPPED_SHIFT          (16)    /* bits 16 - 28 */
+/* Rearm bit */
+#define OCRDMA_DB_CQ_REARM_SHIFT               (29)    /* bit 29 */
+/* solicited bit */
+#define OCRDMA_DB_CQ_SOLICIT_SHIFT   (31)      /* bit 31 */
+struct ocrdma_get_context {
+       struct ibv_get_context cmd;
+struct ocrdma_alloc_ucontext_resp {
+       struct ibv_get_context_resp ibv_resp;
+       uint32_t dev_id;
+       uint32_t wqe_size;
+       uint32_t max_inline_data;
+       uint32_t dpp_wqe_size;
+       uint64_t ah_tbl_page;
+       uint32_t ah_tbl_len;
+       uint32_t rqe_size;
+       uint8_t fw_ver[32];
+       uint32_t rsvd1;
+       uint64_t rsvd2;
+struct ocrdma_alloc_pd_req {
+       struct ibv_alloc_pd cmd;
+       uint64_t rsvd;
+struct ocrdma_alloc_pd_resp {
+       struct ibv_alloc_pd_resp ibv_resp;
+       uint32_t id;
+       uint32_t dpp_enabled;
+       uint32_t dpp_page_addr_hi;
+       uint32_t dpp_page_addr_lo;
+       uint64_t rsvd;
+struct ocrdma_create_cq_req {
+       struct ibv_create_cq ibv_cmd;
+       uint32_t dpp_cq;
+       uint32_t rsvd;
+#define MAX_CQ_PAGES 8
+struct ocrdma_create_cq_resp {
+       struct ibv_create_cq_resp ibv_resp;
+       uint32_t cq_id;
+       uint32_t size;
+       uint32_t num_pages;
+       uint32_t max_hw_cqe;
+       uint64_t page_addr[MAX_CQ_PAGES];
+       uint64_t db_page_addr;
+       uint32_t db_page_size;
+       uint32_t phase_change;
+       uint64_t rsvd1;
+       uint64_t rsvd2;
+struct ocrdma_reg_mr {
+       struct ibv_reg_mr ibv_cmd;
+struct ocrdma_reg_mr_resp {
+       struct ibv_reg_mr_resp ibv_resp;
+struct ocrdma_create_qp_cmd {
+       struct ibv_create_qp ibv_cmd;
+       uint8_t enable_dpp_cq;
+       uint8_t rsvd;
+       uint16_t dpp_cq_id;
+       uint32_t rsvd1;         /* pad */
+#define MAX_QP_PAGES 8
+#define MAX_UD_HDR_PAGES 8
+struct ocrdma_create_qp_uresp {
+       struct ibv_create_qp_resp ibv_resp;
+       uint16_t qp_id;
+       uint16_t sq_dbid;
+       uint16_t rq_dbid;
+       uint16_t resv0;         /* pad */
+       uint32_t sq_page_size;
+       uint32_t rq_page_size;
+       uint32_t num_sq_pages;
+       uint32_t num_rq_pages;
+       uint64_t sq_page_addr[MAX_QP_PAGES];
+       uint64_t rq_page_addr[MAX_QP_PAGES];
+       uint64_t db_page_addr;
+       uint32_t db_page_size;
+       uint32_t dpp_credit;
+       uint32_t dpp_offset;
+       uint32_t num_wqe_allocated;
+       uint32_t num_rqe_allocated;
+       uint32_t db_sq_offset;
+       uint32_t db_rq_offset;
+       uint32_t db_shift;
+       uint64_t rsvd2;
+       uint64_t rsvd3;
+struct ocrdma_create_srq_cmd {
+       struct ibv_create_srq ibv_cmd;
+struct ocrdma_create_srq_resp {
+       struct ibv_create_srq_resp ibv_resp;
+       uint16_t rq_dbid;
+       uint16_t resv0;
+       uint32_t resv1;
+       uint32_t rq_page_size;
+       uint32_t num_rq_pages;
+       uint64_t rq_page_addr[MAX_QP_PAGES];
+       uint64_t db_page_addr;
+       uint32_t db_page_size;
+       uint32_t num_rqe_allocated;
+       uint32_t db_rq_offset;
+       uint32_t db_shift;
+       uint64_t rsvd2;
+       uint64_t rsvd3;
+       OCRDMA_CQE_SUCCESS              = 0,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_LEN_ERR          = 1,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_QP_OP_ERR        = 2,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_EEC_OP_ERR       = 3,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_PROT_ERR         = 4,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_WR_FLUSH_ERR         = 5,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_MW_BIND_ERR          = 6,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_BAD_RESP_ERR         = 7,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_ACCESS_ERR       = 8,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_REM_INV_REQ_ERR      = 9,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_REM_ACCESS_ERR       = 0xa,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_REM_OP_ERR           = 0xb,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_RETRY_EXC_ERR        = 0xc,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_RNR_RETRY_EXC_ERR    = 0xd,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_RDD_VIOL_ERR     = 0xe,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_REM_INV_RD_REQ_ERR   = 0xf,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_REM_ABORT_ERR        = 0x10,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_INV_EECN_ERR         = 0x11,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_INV_EEC_STATE_ERR    = 0x12,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_FATAL_ERR            = 0x13,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_RESP_TIMEOUT_ERR     = 0x14,
+enum {
+       /* w0 */
+       OCRDMA_CQE_WQEIDX_SHIFT         = 0,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_WQEIDX_MASK          = 0xFFFF,
+       /* w1 */
+       OCRDMA_CQE_PKEY_SHIFT           = 0,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_PKEY_MASK            = 0xFFFF,
+       /* w2 */
+       OCRDMA_CQE_QPN_SHIFT            = 0,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_QPN_MASK             = 0x0000FFFF,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_BUFTAG_SHIFT         = 16,
+       /* w3 */
+       OCRDMA_CQE_UD_STATUS_SHIFT      = 24,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_STATUS_SHIFT         = 16,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_VALID                = Bit(31),
+       OCRDMA_CQE_INVALIDATE           = Bit(30),
+       OCRDMA_CQE_QTYPE                = Bit(29),
+       OCRDMA_CQE_IMM                  = Bit(28),
+       OCRDMA_CQE_WRITE_IMM            = Bit(27),
+       OCRDMA_CQE_QTYPE_SQ             = 0,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_QTYPE_RQ             = 1,
+       OCRDMA_CQE_SRCQP_MASK           = 0xFFFFFF
+struct ocrdma_cqe {
+       union {
+               /* w0 to w2 */
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t wqeidx;
+                       uint32_t bytes_xfered;
+                       uint32_t qpn;
+               } wq;
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t lkey_immdt;
+                       uint32_t rxlen;
+                       uint32_t buftag_qpn;
+               } rq;
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t lkey_immdt;
+                       uint32_t rxlen_pkey;
+                       uint32_t buftag_qpn;
+               } ud;
+               struct {
+                       uint32_t word_0;
+                       uint32_t word_1;
+                       uint32_t qpn;
+               } cmn;
+       };
+       uint32_t flags_status_srcqpn;   /* w3 */
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ocrdma_sge {
+       uint32_t addr_hi;
+       uint32_t addr_lo;
+       uint32_t lrkey;
+       uint32_t len;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+enum {
+       OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT         = 0,
+       OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_MASK          = 0x0000001F,
+       OCRDMA_WQE_FLAGS_SHIFT          = 5,
+       OCRDMA_WQE_TYPE_SHIFT           = 16,
+       OCRDMA_WQE_TYPE_MASK            = 0x00030000,
+       OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_SHIFT           = 18,
+       OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_MASK            = 0xFF,
+enum {
+       OCRDMA_FLAG_SIG         = 0x1,
+       OCRDMA_FLAG_INV         = 0x2,
+       OCRDMA_FLAG_FENCE_L     = 0x4,
+       OCRDMA_FLAG_FENCE_R     = 0x8,
+       OCRDMA_FLAG_SOLICIT     = 0x10,
+       OCRDMA_FLAG_IMM         = 0x20,
+       /* Stag flags */
+       OCRDMA_LKEY_FLAG_LOCAL_WR       = 0x1,
+       OCRDMA_LKEY_FLAG_REMOTE_RD      = 0x2,
+       OCRDMA_LKEY_FLAG_REMOTE_WR      = 0x4,
+       OCRDMA_LKEY_FLAG_VATO           = 0x8
+enum {
+       OCRDMA_TYPE_INLINE      = 0x0,
+       OCRDMA_TYPE_LKEY        = 0x1
+       OCRDMA_WRITE            = 0x06,
+       OCRDMA_READ             = 0x0C,
+       OCRDMA_RESV0            = 0x02,
+       OCRDMA_SEND             = 0x00,
+       OCRDMA_BIND_MW          = 0x08,
+       OCRDMA_RESV1            = 0x0A,
+       OCRDMA_LKEY_INV         = 0x15,
+/* header WQE for all the SQ and RQ operations */
+struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe {
+       uint32_t cw;
+       union {
+               uint32_t rsvd_tag;
+               uint32_t rsvd_stag_flags;
+       };
+       union {
+               uint32_t immdt;
+               uint32_t lkey;
+       };
+       uint32_t total_len;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ocrdma_ewqe_atomic {
+       uint32_t ra_hi;
+       uint32_t ra_lo;
+       uint32_t rkey;
+       uint32_t rlen;
+       uint32_t swap_add_hi;
+       uint32_t swap_add_lo;
+       uint32_t compare_hi;
+       uint32_t compare_lo;
+       struct ocrdma_sge sge;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+struct ocrdma_ewqe_ud_hdr {
+       uint32_t rsvd_dest_qpn;
+       uint32_t qkey;
+       uint32_t rsvd_ahid;
+       uint32_t rsvd;
+} __attribute__ ((packed));
+#endif                         /* __OCRDMA_ABI_H__ */
diff --git a/src/ocrdma_list.h b/src/ocrdma_list.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..11d56ce
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Emulex.  All rights reserved.
+ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
+ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
+ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
+ * BSD license below:
+ *
+ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+ *     conditions are met:
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer.
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *        provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __OCRDMA_LIST_H__
+#define __OCRDMA_LIST_H__
+struct ocrdma_list_node {
+       struct ocrdma_list_node *next, *prev;
+struct ocrdma_list_head {
+       struct ocrdma_list_node node;
+       pthread_mutex_t lock;
+#define DBLY_LIST_HEAD_INIT(name) { { &(name.node), &(name.node) } , \
+                               PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER }
+#define DBLY_LIST_HEAD(name) \
+       struct ocrdma_list_head name = DBLY_LIST_HEAD_INIT(name); \
+#define INIT_DBLY_LIST_NODE(ptr) do { \
+       (ptr)->next = (ptr); (ptr)->prev = (ptr); \
+} while (0)
+static inline void __list_add_node(struct ocrdma_list_node *new,
+                                      struct ocrdma_list_node *prev,
+                                      struct ocrdma_list_node *next)
+       next->prev = new;
+       new->next = next;
+       new->prev = prev;
+       prev->next = new;
+static inline void list_add_node_tail(struct ocrdma_list_node *new,
+                                         struct ocrdma_list_head *head)
+       __list_add_node(new, head->node.prev, &head->node);
+static inline void __list_del_node(struct ocrdma_list_node *prev,
+                                      struct ocrdma_list_node *next)
+       next->prev = prev;
+       prev->next = next;
+static inline void list_del_node(struct ocrdma_list_node *entry)
+       __list_del_node(entry->prev, entry->next);
+       entry->next = entry->prev = 0;
+#define list_lock(head) pthread_mutex_lock(&((head)->lock))
+#define list_unlock(head) pthread_mutex_unlock(&((head)->lock))
+#define list_node(ptr, type, member) \
+    ((type *)((char *)(ptr)-(unsigned long)(&((type *)0)->member)))
+ * list_for_each_node_safe     -       iterate over a list safe against removal of list entry
+ * @pos:       the &struct ocrdma_list_head to use as a loop counter.
+ * @n:         another &struct ocrdma_list_head to use as temporary storage
+ * @head:      the head for your list.
+ */
+#define list_for_each_node_safe(pos, n, head) \
+       for (pos = (head)->node.next, n = pos->next; pos != &((head)->node); \
+               pos = n, n = pos->next)
+#endif                         /* __OCRDMA_LIST_H__ */
diff --git a/src/ocrdma_main.c b/src/ocrdma_main.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f1c01f0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,259 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Emulex.  All rights reserved.
+ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
+ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
+ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
+ * BSD license below:
+ *
+ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+ *     conditions are met:
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer.
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *        provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#endif                         /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include "ocrdma_main.h"
+#include "ocrdma_abi.h"
+#include "ocrdma_list.h"
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#define PCI_VENDOR_ID_EMULEX           0x10DF
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_EMULEX_GEN1      0xe220
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_EMULEX_GEN2        0x720
+#define PCI_DEVICE_ID_EMULEX_GEN2_VF     0x728
+#define UCNA(v, d)                            \
+       { .vendor = PCI_VENDOR_ID_##v,        \
+         .device = PCI_DEVICE_ID_EMULEX_##d }
+struct {
+       unsigned vendor;
+       unsigned device;
+} ucna_table[] = {
+static DBLY_LIST_HEAD(ocrdma_dev_list);
+static struct ibv_context *ocrdma_alloc_context(struct ibv_device *, int);
+static void ocrdma_free_context(struct ibv_context *);
+static struct ibv_context_ops ocrdma_ctx_ops = {
+       .query_device = ocrdma_query_device,
+       .query_port = ocrdma_query_port,
+       .alloc_pd = ocrdma_alloc_pd,
+       .dealloc_pd = ocrdma_free_pd,
+       .reg_mr = ocrdma_reg_mr,
+       .dereg_mr = ocrdma_dereg_mr,
+       .create_cq = ocrdma_create_cq,
+       .poll_cq = ocrdma_poll_cq,
+       .req_notify_cq = ocrdma_arm_cq,
+       .cq_event = ocrdma_cq_handler,
+       .resize_cq = ocrdma_resize_cq,
+       .destroy_cq = ocrdma_destroy_cq,
+       .create_qp = ocrdma_create_qp,
+       .query_qp = ocrdma_query_qp,
+       .modify_qp = ocrdma_modify_qp,
+       .destroy_qp = ocrdma_destroy_qp,
+       .post_send = ocrdma_post_send,
+       .post_recv = ocrdma_post_recv,
+       .create_ah = ocrdma_create_ah,
+       .destroy_ah = ocrdma_destroy_ah,
+       .async_event = ocrdma_async_event,
+       .create_srq = ocrdma_create_srq,
+       .modify_srq = ocrdma_modify_srq,
+       .query_srq = ocrdma_query_srq,
+       .destroy_srq = ocrdma_destroy_srq,
+       .post_srq_recv = ocrdma_post_srq_recv,
+       .attach_mcast = ocrdma_attach_mcast,
+       .detach_mcast = ocrdma_detach_mcast
+static struct ibv_device_ops ocrdma_dev_ops = {
+       .alloc_context = ocrdma_alloc_context,
+       .free_context = ocrdma_free_context
+ * ocrdma_alloc_context
+ */
+static struct ibv_context *ocrdma_alloc_context(struct ibv_device *ibdev,
+                                               int cmd_fd)
+       struct ocrdma_devctx *ctx;
+       struct ocrdma_get_context cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_alloc_ucontext_resp resp;
+       ctx = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ocrdma_devctx));
+       if (!ctx)
+               return NULL;
+       memset(&resp, 0, sizeof(resp));
+       ctx->ibv_ctx.cmd_fd = cmd_fd;
+       if (ibv_cmd_get_context(&ctx->ibv_ctx,
+                               (struct ibv_get_context *)&cmd, sizeof cmd,
+                               &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof(resp)))
+               goto cmd_err;
+       ctx->ibv_ctx.device = ibdev;
+       ctx->ibv_ctx.ops = ocrdma_ctx_ops;
+       get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev)->id = resp.dev_id;
+       get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev)->max_inline_data = resp.max_inline_data;
+       get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev)->wqe_size = resp.wqe_size;
+       get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev)->rqe_size = resp.rqe_size;
+       memcpy(get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev)->fw_ver, resp.fw_ver, sizeof(resp.fw_ver));
+       get_ocrdma_dev(ibdev)->dpp_wqe_size = resp.dpp_wqe_size;
+       ctx->ah_tbl =
+           mmap(NULL, resp.ah_tbl_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,
+                cmd_fd, resp.ah_tbl_page);
+       if (ctx->ah_tbl == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto cmd_err;
+       ctx->ah_tbl_len = resp.ah_tbl_len;
+       ocrdma_init_ahid_tbl(ctx);
+       return &ctx->ibv_ctx;
+       ocrdma_err("%s: Failed to allocate context for device.\n", __func__);
+       free(ctx);
+       return NULL;
+ * ocrdma_free_context
+ */
+static void ocrdma_free_context(struct ibv_context *ibctx)
+       struct ocrdma_devctx *ctx = get_ocrdma_ctx(ibctx);
+       if (ctx->ah_tbl)
+               munmap((void *)ctx->ah_tbl, ctx->ah_tbl_len);
+       free(ctx);
+ * ocrdma_driver_init
+ */
+struct ibv_device *ocrdma_driver_init(const char *uverbs_sys_path,
+                                     int abi_version)
+       char value[16];
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       unsigned vendor, device;
+       int i;
+       if (ibv_read_sysfs_file(uverbs_sys_path, "device/vendor",
+                               value, sizeof(value)) < 0) {
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       sscanf(value, "%i", &vendor);
+       if (ibv_read_sysfs_file(uverbs_sys_path, "device/device",
+                               value, sizeof(value)) < 0) {
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       sscanf(value, "%i", &device);
+       for (i = 0; i < sizeof ucna_table / sizeof ucna_table[0]; ++i) {
+               if (vendor == ucna_table[i].vendor &&
+                   device == ucna_table[i].device)
+                       goto found;
+       }
+       return NULL;
+       dev = malloc(sizeof *dev);
+       if (!dev) {
+               ocrdma_err("%s() Fatal: fail allocate device for libocrdma\n",
+                          __func__);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       bzero(dev, sizeof *dev);
+       dev->qp_tbl = malloc(OCRDMA_MAX_QP * sizeof(struct ocrdma_qp *));
+       if (!dev->qp_tbl)
+               goto qp_err;
+       bzero(dev->qp_tbl, OCRDMA_MAX_QP * sizeof(struct ocrdma_qp *));
+       pthread_mutex_init(&dev->dev_lock, NULL);
+       pthread_spin_init(&dev->flush_q_lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
+       dev->ibv_dev.ops = ocrdma_dev_ops;
+       INIT_DBLY_LIST_NODE(&dev->entry);
+       list_lock(&ocrdma_dev_list);
+       list_add_node_tail(&dev->entry, &ocrdma_dev_list);
+       list_unlock(&ocrdma_dev_list);
+       return &dev->ibv_dev;
+       free(dev);
+       return NULL;
+ * ocrdma_register_driver
+ */
+static __attribute__ ((constructor))
+void ocrdma_register_driver(void)
+       ibv_register_driver("ocrdma", ocrdma_driver_init);
+static __attribute__ ((destructor))
+void ocrdma_unregister_driver(void)
+       struct ocrdma_list_node *cur, *tmp;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       list_lock(&ocrdma_dev_list);
+       list_for_each_node_safe(cur, tmp, &ocrdma_dev_list) {
+               dev = list_node(cur, struct ocrdma_device, entry);
+               pthread_mutex_destroy(&dev->dev_lock);
+               pthread_spin_destroy(&dev->flush_q_lock);
+               list_del_node(&dev->entry);
+               /*
+                * Avoid freeing the dev here since MPI get SIGSEGV
+                * in few error cases because of reference to ib_dev
+                * after free.
+                * TODO Bug 135437 fix it properly to avoid mem leak
+                */
+               /* free(dev); */
+       }
+       list_unlock(&ocrdma_dev_list);
diff --git a/src/ocrdma_main.h b/src/ocrdma_main.h
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..392c77a
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,301 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Emulex.  All rights reserved.
+ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
+ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
+ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
+ * BSD license below:
+ *
+ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+ *     conditions are met:
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer.
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *        provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#ifndef __OCRDMA_MAIN_H__
+#define __OCRDMA_MAIN_H__
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <stddef.h>
+#include <endian.h>
+#include <infiniband/driver.h>
+#include <infiniband/arch.h>
+#include "ocrdma_list.h"
+#define ocrdma_err(format, arg...) printf(format, ##arg)
+#define OCRDMA_DPP_PAGE_SIZE (4096)
+#define ROUND_UP_X(_val, _x) \
+    (((unsigned long)(_val) + ((_x)-1)) & (long)~((_x)-1))
+struct ocrdma_qp;
+struct ocrdma_device {
+       struct ibv_device ibv_dev;
+       struct ocrdma_qp **qp_tbl;
+       pthread_mutex_t dev_lock;
+       pthread_spinlock_t flush_q_lock;
+       struct ocrdma_list_node entry;
+       int id;
+       int gen;
+       uint32_t wqe_size;
+       uint32_t rqe_size;
+       uint32_t dpp_wqe_size;
+       uint32_t max_inline_data;
+       uint8_t fw_ver[32];
+struct ocrdma_devctx {
+       struct ibv_context ibv_ctx;
+       uint32_t *ah_tbl;
+       uint32_t ah_tbl_len;
+       pthread_mutex_t tbl_lock;
+struct ocrdma_pd {
+       struct ibv_pd ibv_pd;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       struct ocrdma_devctx *uctx;
+       void *dpp_va;
+struct ocrdma_mr {
+       struct ibv_mr ibv_mr;
+struct ocrdma_cq {
+       struct ibv_cq ibv_cq;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       uint16_t cq_id;
+       uint16_t cq_dbid;
+       uint16_t getp;
+       pthread_spinlock_t cq_lock;
+       uint32_t max_hw_cqe;
+       uint32_t cq_mem_size;
+       struct ocrdma_cqe *va;
+       void *db_va;
+       uint32_t db_size;
+       uint32_t phase;
+       int phase_change;
+       int armed;
+       int solicited;
+       int arm_needed;
+       struct ocrdma_list_head sq_head;
+       struct ocrdma_list_head rq_head;
+enum {
+       OCRDMA_DPP_CQE_VALID_BIT_MASK   = 1 << 31
+struct ocrdma_dpp_cqe {
+       uint32_t wqe_idx_valid;
+enum {
+struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info {
+       uint8_t *va;            /* virtual address */
+       uint32_t max_sges;
+       uint32_t free_cnt;
+       uint32_t head, tail;
+       uint32_t entry_size;
+       uint32_t max_cnt;
+       uint32_t max_wqe_idx;
+       uint32_t len;
+       uint16_t dbid;          /* qid, where to ring the doorbell. */
+struct ocrdma_srq {
+       struct ibv_srq ibv_srq;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       void *db_va;
+       uint32_t db_size;
+       pthread_spinlock_t q_lock;
+       struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info rq;
+       uint32_t max_rq_sges;
+       uint32_t id;
+       uint64_t *rqe_wr_id_tbl;
+       uint32_t *idx_bit_fields;
+       uint32_t bit_fields_len;
+       uint32_t db_shift;
+enum {
+enum ocrdma_qp_state {
+       OCRDMA_QPS_RST          = 0,
+       OCRDMA_QPS_INIT         = 1,
+       OCRDMA_QPS_RTR          = 2,
+       OCRDMA_QPS_RTS          = 3,
+       OCRDMA_QPS_SQE          = 4,
+       OCRDMA_QPS_ERR          = 6,
+       OCRDMA_QPS_SQD          = 7
+struct ocrdma_qp {
+       struct ibv_qp ibv_qp;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       pthread_spinlock_t q_lock;
+       struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info sq;
+       struct ocrdma_cq *sq_cq;
+       struct {
+               uint64_t wrid;
+               uint16_t dpp_wqe_idx;
+               uint16_t dpp_wqe;
+               uint8_t  signaled;
+               uint8_t  rsvd[3];
+       } *wqe_wr_id_tbl;
+       struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info dpp_q;
+       int dpp_enabled;
+       struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info rq;
+       struct ocrdma_cq *rq_cq;
+       uint64_t *rqe_wr_id_tbl;
+       void *db_va;
+       void *db_sq_va;
+       void *db_rq_va;
+       uint32_t max_inline_data;
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq;
+       struct ocrdma_cq *dpp_cq;
+       uint32_t db_size;
+       uint32_t max_ord;
+       uint32_t max_ird;
+       uint32_t dpp_prev_indx;
+       enum ibv_qp_type qp_type;
+       enum ocrdma_qp_state state;
+       struct ocrdma_list_node sq_entry;
+       struct ocrdma_list_node rq_entry;
+       uint16_t id;
+       uint16_t rsvd;
+       uint32_t db_shift;
+       int     signaled;       /* signaled QP */
+struct ocrdma_ah {
+       struct ibv_ah ibv_ah;
+       struct ocrdma_pd *pd;
+       uint16_t id;
+#define get_ocrdma_xxx(xxx, type)                              \
+       ((struct ocrdma_##type *)                                       \
+       ((void *) ib##xxx - offsetof(struct ocrdma_##type, ibv_##xxx)))
+static inline struct ocrdma_devctx *get_ocrdma_ctx(struct ibv_context *ibctx)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(ctx, devctx);
+static inline struct ocrdma_device *get_ocrdma_dev(struct ibv_device *ibdev)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(dev, device);
+static inline struct ocrdma_qp *get_ocrdma_qp(struct ibv_qp *ibqp)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(qp, qp);
+static inline struct ocrdma_srq *get_ocrdma_srq(struct ibv_srq *ibsrq)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(srq, srq);
+static inline struct ocrdma_pd *get_ocrdma_pd(struct ibv_pd *ibpd)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(pd, pd);
+static inline struct ocrdma_cq *get_ocrdma_cq(struct ibv_cq *ibcq)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(cq, cq);
+static inline struct ocrdma_ah *get_ocrdma_ah(struct ibv_ah *ibah)
+       return get_ocrdma_xxx(ah, ah);
+struct ibv_device *ocrdma_driver_init(const char *, int);
+void ocrdma_init_ahid_tbl(struct ocrdma_devctx *ctx);
+int ocrdma_query_device(struct ibv_context *, struct ibv_device_attr *);
+int ocrdma_query_port(struct ibv_context *, uint8_t, struct ibv_port_attr *);
+struct ibv_pd *ocrdma_alloc_pd(struct ibv_context *);
+int ocrdma_free_pd(struct ibv_pd *);
+struct ibv_mr *ocrdma_reg_mr(struct ibv_pd *, void *, size_t,
+                            int ibv_access_flags);
+int ocrdma_dereg_mr(struct ibv_mr *);
+struct ibv_cq *ocrdma_create_cq(struct ibv_context *, int,
+                               struct ibv_comp_channel *, int);
+int ocrdma_resize_cq(struct ibv_cq *, int);
+int ocrdma_destroy_cq(struct ibv_cq *);
+int ocrdma_poll_cq(struct ibv_cq *, int, struct ibv_wc *);
+int ocrdma_arm_cq(struct ibv_cq *, int);
+void ocrdma_cq_handler(struct ibv_cq *);
+struct ibv_qp *ocrdma_create_qp(struct ibv_pd *, struct ibv_qp_init_attr *);
+int ocrdma_modify_qp(struct ibv_qp *, struct ibv_qp_attr *,
+                    int ibv_qp_attr_mask);
+int ocrdma_query_qp(struct ibv_qp *qp, struct ibv_qp_attr *attr, int attr_mask,
+                   struct ibv_qp_init_attr *init_attr);
+int ocrdma_destroy_qp(struct ibv_qp *);
+int ocrdma_post_send(struct ibv_qp *, struct ibv_send_wr *,
+                    struct ibv_send_wr **);
+int ocrdma_post_recv(struct ibv_qp *, struct ibv_recv_wr *,
+                    struct ibv_recv_wr **);
+struct ibv_srq *ocrdma_create_srq(struct ibv_pd *, struct ibv_srq_init_attr *);
+int ocrdma_modify_srq(struct ibv_srq *, struct ibv_srq_attr *, int);
+int ocrdma_destroy_srq(struct ibv_srq *);
+int ocrdma_query_srq(struct ibv_srq *ibsrq, struct ibv_srq_attr *attr);
+int ocrdma_post_srq_recv(struct ibv_srq *, struct ibv_recv_wr *,
+                        struct ibv_recv_wr **);
+struct ibv_ah *ocrdma_create_ah(struct ibv_pd *, struct ibv_ah_attr *);
+int ocrdma_destroy_ah(struct ibv_ah *);
+int ocrdma_attach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *, const union ibv_gid *, uint16_t);
+int ocrdma_detach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *, const union ibv_gid *, uint16_t);
+void ocrdma_async_event(struct ibv_async_event *event);
+#endif                         /* __OCRDMA_MAIN_H__ */
diff --git a/src/ocrdma_verbs.c b/src/ocrdma_verbs.c
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..9796dff
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,2198 @@
+ * Copyright (C) 2008-2013 Emulex.  All rights reserved.
+ * This software is available to you under a choice of one of two
+ * licenses.  You may choose to be licensed under the terms of the GNU
+ * General Public License (GPL) Version 2, available from the file
+ * COPYING in the main directory of this source tree, or the
+ * BSD license below:
+ *
+ *     Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or
+ *     without modification, are permitted provided that the following
+ *     conditions are met:
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer.
+ *
+ *      - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ *        copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following
+ *        disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials
+ *        provided with the distribution.
+ *
+ */
+#include <config.h>
+#endif                         /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <signal.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <pthread.h>
+#include <malloc.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <netinet/in.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "ocrdma_main.h"
+#include "ocrdma_abi.h"
+#include "ocrdma_list.h"
+static void ocrdma_ring_cq_db(struct ocrdma_cq *cq, uint32_t armed,
+                             int solicited, uint32_t num_cqe);
+static inline uint32_t ocrdma_swap_endianness(uint32_t val)
+       return ((val & 0xFF000000) >> 24) | ((val & 0xFF) << 24) |
+           ((val & 0xFF00) << 8) | ((val & 0xFF0000) >> 8);
+static inline uint32_t ocrdma_cpu_to_le(uint32_t val)
+       return ocrdma_swap_endianness(val);
+       return val;
+static inline uint32_t ocrdma_le_to_cpu(uint32_t val)
+       return ocrdma_swap_endianness(val);
+       return val;
+static inline uint32_t ocrdma_cpu_to_be(uint32_t val)
+       return ocrdma_swap_endianness(val);
+       return val;
+static inline void ocrdma_swap_cpu_to_le(void *dst, uint32_t len)
+       int i = 0;
+       uint32_t *src_ptr = dst;
+       uint32_t *dst_ptr = dst;
+       for (; i < (len / 4); i++)
+               *dst_ptr++ = ocrdma_swap_endianness(*src_ptr++);
+ * ocrdma_query_device
+ */
+int ocrdma_query_device(struct ibv_context *context,
+                       struct ibv_device_attr *attr)
+       struct ibv_query_device cmd;
+       uint64_t fw_ver;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev = get_ocrdma_dev(context->device);
+       int status;
+       bzero(attr, sizeof *attr);
+       status = ibv_cmd_query_device(context, attr, &fw_ver, &cmd, sizeof cmd);
+       memcpy(attr->fw_ver, dev->fw_ver, sizeof(dev->fw_ver));
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_query_port
+ */
+int ocrdma_query_port(struct ibv_context *context, uint8_t port,
+                     struct ibv_port_attr *attr)
+       struct ibv_query_port cmd;
+       int status;
+       status = ibv_cmd_query_port(context, port, attr, &cmd, sizeof cmd);
+       return status;
+#define OCRDMA_INVALID_AH_IDX 0xffffffff
+void ocrdma_init_ahid_tbl(struct ocrdma_devctx *ctx)
+       int i;
+       pthread_mutex_init(&ctx->tbl_lock, NULL);
+       for (i = 0; i < (ctx->ah_tbl_len / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++)
+               ctx->ah_tbl[i] = OCRDMA_INVALID_AH_IDX;
+static int ocrdma_alloc_ah_tbl_id(struct ocrdma_devctx *ctx)
+       int i;
+       int status = -EINVAL;
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->tbl_lock);
+       for (i = 0; i < (ctx->ah_tbl_len / sizeof(uint32_t)); i++) {
+               if (ctx->ah_tbl[i] == OCRDMA_INVALID_AH_IDX) {
+                       ctx->ah_tbl[i] = ctx->ah_tbl_len;
+                       status = i;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->tbl_lock);
+       return status;
+static void ocrdma_free_ah_tbl_id(struct ocrdma_devctx *ctx, int idx)
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&ctx->tbl_lock);
+       ctx->ah_tbl[idx] = OCRDMA_INVALID_AH_IDX;
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&ctx->tbl_lock);
+ * ocrdma_alloc_pd
+ */
+struct ibv_pd *ocrdma_alloc_pd(struct ibv_context *context)
+       struct ocrdma_alloc_pd_req cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_alloc_pd_resp resp;
+       struct ocrdma_pd *pd;
+       uint64_t map_address = 0;
+       pd = malloc(sizeof *pd);
+       if (!pd)
+               return NULL;
+       bzero(pd, sizeof *pd);
+       memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+       if (ibv_cmd_alloc_pd(context, &pd->ibv_pd, &cmd.cmd, sizeof cmd,
+                            &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof resp)) {
+               free(pd);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       pd->dev = get_ocrdma_dev(context->device);
+       pd->uctx = get_ocrdma_ctx(context);
+       if (resp.dpp_enabled) {
+               map_address = ((uint64_t) resp.dpp_page_addr_hi << 32) |
+                   resp.dpp_page_addr_lo;
+               pd->dpp_va = mmap(NULL, OCRDMA_DPP_PAGE_SIZE, PROT_WRITE,
+                                 MAP_SHARED, context->cmd_fd, map_address);
+               if (pd->dpp_va == MAP_FAILED) {
+                       ocrdma_free_pd(&pd->ibv_pd);
+                       return NULL;
+               }
+       }
+       return &pd->ibv_pd;
+ * ocrdma_free_pd
+ */
+int ocrdma_free_pd(struct ibv_pd *ibpd)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_pd *pd = get_ocrdma_pd(ibpd);
+       status = ibv_cmd_dealloc_pd(ibpd);
+       if (pd->dpp_va)
+               munmap((void *)pd->dpp_va, OCRDMA_DPP_PAGE_SIZE);
+       if (status)
+               return status;
+       free(pd);
+       return 0;
+ * ocrdma_reg_mr
+ */
+struct ibv_mr *ocrdma_reg_mr(struct ibv_pd *pd, void *addr,
+                            size_t len, int access)
+       struct ocrdma_mr *mr;
+       struct ibv_reg_mr cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_reg_mr_resp resp;
+       uint64_t hca_va = (uintptr_t) addr;
+       mr = malloc(sizeof *mr);
+       if (!mr)
+               return NULL;
+       bzero(mr, sizeof *mr);
+       if (ibv_cmd_reg_mr(pd, addr, len, hca_va,
+                          access, &mr->ibv_mr, &cmd, sizeof cmd,
+                          &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof resp)) {
+               free(mr);
+               return NULL;
+       }
+       return &mr->ibv_mr;
+ * ocrdma_dereg_mr
+ */
+int ocrdma_dereg_mr(struct ibv_mr *mr)
+       int status;
+       status = ibv_cmd_dereg_mr(mr);
+       if (status)
+               return status;
+       free(mr);
+       return 0;
+ * ocrdma_create_cq
+ */
+static struct ibv_cq *ocrdma_create_cq_common(struct ibv_context *context,
+                                             int cqe,
+                                             struct ibv_comp_channel *channel,
+                                             int comp_vector, int dpp_cq)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_create_cq_req cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_create_cq_resp resp;
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev = get_ocrdma_dev(context->device);
+       void *map_addr;
+       cq = malloc(sizeof *cq);
+       if (!cq)
+               return NULL;
+       bzero(cq, sizeof *cq);
+       cmd.dpp_cq = dpp_cq;
+       status = ibv_cmd_create_cq(context, cqe, channel, comp_vector,
+                                  &cq->ibv_cq, &cmd.ibv_cmd, sizeof cmd,
+                                  &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof resp);
+       if (status)
+               goto cq_err1;
+       pthread_spin_init(&cq->cq_lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
+       cq->dev = dev;
+       cq->cq_id = resp.cq_id;
+       cq->cq_dbid = resp.cq_id;
+       cq->cq_mem_size = resp.size;
+       cq->max_hw_cqe = resp.max_hw_cqe;
+       cq->phase_change = resp.phase_change;
+       cq->va = mmap(NULL, resp.size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                     MAP_SHARED, context->cmd_fd, resp.page_addr[0]);
+       if (cq->va == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto cq_err2;
+       map_addr = mmap(NULL, resp.db_page_size, PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, context->cmd_fd, resp.db_page_addr);
+       if (map_addr == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto cq_err2;
+       cq->db_va = map_addr;
+       cq->db_size = resp.db_page_size;
+       cq->phase = OCRDMA_CQE_VALID;
+       if (!dpp_cq) {
+               cq->arm_needed = 1;
+               ocrdma_ring_cq_db(cq, 0, 0, 0);
+       }
+       cq->ibv_cq.cqe = cqe;
+       INIT_DBLY_LIST_HEAD(&cq->sq_head);
+       INIT_DBLY_LIST_HEAD(&cq->rq_head);
+       return &cq->ibv_cq;
+       (void)ibv_cmd_destroy_cq(&cq->ibv_cq);
+       free(cq);
+       return NULL;
+struct ibv_cq *ocrdma_create_cq(struct ibv_context *context, int cqe,
+                               struct ibv_comp_channel *channel,
+                               int comp_vector)
+       return ocrdma_create_cq_common(context, cqe, channel, comp_vector, 0);
+static struct ocrdma_cq *ocrdma_create_dpp_cq(struct ibv_context *context,
+                                             int cqe)
+       struct ibv_cq *ibcq;
+       ibcq = ocrdma_create_cq_common(context, cqe, 0, 0, 1);
+       if (ibcq)
+               return get_ocrdma_cq(ibcq);
+       return NULL;
+ * ocrdma_resize_cq
+ */
+int ocrdma_resize_cq(struct ibv_cq *ibcq, int new_entries)
+       int status;
+       struct ibv_resize_cq cmd;
+       struct ibv_resize_cq_resp resp;
+       status = ibv_cmd_resize_cq(ibcq, new_entries,
+                                  &cmd, sizeof cmd, &resp, sizeof resp);
+       if (status == 0)
+               ibcq->cqe = new_entries;
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_destroy_cq
+ */
+int ocrdma_destroy_cq(struct ibv_cq *ibv_cq)
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq = get_ocrdma_cq(ibv_cq);
+       ibv_cmd_destroy_cq(ibv_cq);
+       if (cq->db_va)
+               munmap((void *)cq->db_va, cq->db_size);
+       free(cq);
+       return 0;
+static void ocrdma_add_qpn_map(struct ocrdma_device *dev, struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&dev->dev_lock);
+       dev->qp_tbl[qp->id] = qp;
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&dev->dev_lock);
+static void _ocrdma_del_qpn_map(struct ocrdma_device *dev, struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       dev->qp_tbl[qp->id] = NULL;
+struct ibv_srq *ocrdma_create_srq(struct ibv_pd *pd,
+                                 struct ibv_srq_init_attr *init_attr)
+       int status = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq;
+       struct ocrdma_create_srq_cmd cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_create_srq_resp resp;
+       void *map_addr;
+       srq = calloc(1, sizeof *srq);
+       if (!srq)
+               return NULL;
+       pthread_spin_init(&srq->q_lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
+       status = ibv_cmd_create_srq(pd, &srq->ibv_srq, init_attr, &cmd.ibv_cmd,
+                                   sizeof cmd, &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof resp);
+       if (status)
+               goto cmd_err;
+       srq->dev = get_ocrdma_pd(pd)->dev;
+       srq->rq.dbid = resp.rq_dbid;
+       srq->rq.max_sges = init_attr->attr.max_sge;
+       srq->rq.max_cnt = resp.num_rqe_allocated;
+       srq->rq.max_wqe_idx = resp.num_rqe_allocated - 1;
+       srq->rq.entry_size = srq->dev->rqe_size;
+       srq->rqe_wr_id_tbl = calloc(srq->rq.max_cnt, sizeof(uint64_t));
+       if (srq->rqe_wr_id_tbl == NULL)
+               goto map_err;
+       srq->bit_fields_len =
+           (srq->rq.max_cnt / 32) + (srq->rq.max_cnt % 32 ? 1 : 0);
+       srq->idx_bit_fields = malloc(srq->bit_fields_len * sizeof(uint32_t));
+       if (srq->idx_bit_fields == NULL)
+               goto map_err;
+       memset(srq->idx_bit_fields, 0xff,
+              srq->bit_fields_len * sizeof(uint32_t));
+       if (resp.num_rq_pages > 1)
+               goto map_err;
+       map_addr = mmap(NULL, resp.rq_page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, pd->context->cmd_fd, resp.rq_page_addr[0]);
+       if (map_addr == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto map_err;
+       srq->rq.len = resp.rq_page_size;
+       srq->rq.va = map_addr;
+       map_addr = mmap(NULL, resp.db_page_size, PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, pd->context->cmd_fd, resp.db_page_addr);
+       if (map_addr == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto map_err;
+       srq->db_va = (uint8_t *) map_addr + resp.db_rq_offset;
+       srq->db_shift = resp.db_shift;
+       srq->db_size = resp.db_page_size;
+       return &srq->ibv_srq;
+       ocrdma_destroy_srq(&srq->ibv_srq);
+       return NULL;
+       pthread_spin_destroy(&srq->q_lock);
+       free(srq);
+       return NULL;
+int ocrdma_modify_srq(struct ibv_srq *ibsrq,
+                     struct ibv_srq_attr *attr, int attr_mask)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq;
+       struct ibv_modify_srq cmd;
+       srq = get_ocrdma_srq(ibsrq);
+       dev = srq->dev;
+       status = ibv_cmd_modify_srq(ibsrq, attr, attr_mask, &cmd, sizeof cmd);
+       return status;
+int ocrdma_query_srq(struct ibv_srq *ibsrq, struct ibv_srq_attr *attr)
+       int status;
+       struct ibv_query_srq cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq;
+       srq = get_ocrdma_srq(ibsrq);
+       dev = srq->dev;
+       status = ibv_cmd_query_srq(ibsrq, attr, &cmd, sizeof cmd);
+       return status;
+int ocrdma_destroy_srq(struct ibv_srq *ibsrq)
+       int status;
+       int id;
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       srq = get_ocrdma_srq(ibsrq);
+       dev = srq->dev;
+       id = dev->id;
+       status = ibv_cmd_destroy_srq(ibsrq);
+       if (srq->idx_bit_fields)
+               free(srq->idx_bit_fields);
+       if (srq->rqe_wr_id_tbl)
+               free(srq->rqe_wr_id_tbl);
+       if (srq->db_va) {
+               munmap((void *)srq->db_va, srq->db_size);
+               srq->db_va = 0;
+       }
+       if (srq->rq.va) {
+               munmap(srq->rq.va, srq->rq.len);
+               srq->rq.va = NULL;
+       }
+       pthread_spin_destroy(&srq->q_lock);
+       free(srq);
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_create_qp
+ */
+struct ibv_qp *ocrdma_create_qp(struct ibv_pd *pd,
+                               struct ibv_qp_init_attr *attrs)
+       int status = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_create_qp_cmd cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_create_qp_uresp resp;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       void *map_addr;
+       struct ocrdma_dpp_cqe *dpp_cqe = NULL;
+       qp = calloc(1, sizeof *qp);
+       if (!qp)
+               return NULL;
+       memset(&cmd, 0, sizeof(cmd));
+       qp->qp_type = attrs->qp_type;
+       pthread_spin_init(&qp->q_lock, PTHREAD_PROCESS_PRIVATE);
+       if (attrs->cap.max_inline_data) {
+               qp->dpp_cq = ocrdma_create_dpp_cq(pd->context,
+                               OCRDMA_CREATE_QP_REQ_DPP_CREDIT_LIMIT);
+               if (qp->dpp_cq) {
+                       cmd.enable_dpp_cq = 1;
+                       cmd.dpp_cq_id = qp->dpp_cq->cq_id;
+                       /* Write invalid index for the first entry */
+                       dpp_cqe = (struct ocrdma_dpp_cqe *)qp->dpp_cq->va;
+                       dpp_cqe->wqe_idx_valid = 0xFFFF;
+                       qp->dpp_prev_indx = 0xFFFF;
+               }
+       }
+       status = ibv_cmd_create_qp(pd, &qp->ibv_qp, attrs, &cmd.ibv_cmd,
+                                  sizeof cmd, &resp.ibv_resp, sizeof resp);
+       if (status)
+               goto mbx_err;
+       qp->dev = get_ocrdma_dev(pd->context->device);
+       qp->id = resp.qp_id;
+       ocrdma_add_qpn_map(qp->dev, qp);
+       qp->sq.dbid = resp.sq_dbid;
+       qp->sq.max_sges = attrs->cap.max_send_sge;
+       qp->max_inline_data = attrs->cap.max_inline_data;
+       qp->signaled = attrs->sq_sig_all;
+       qp->sq.max_cnt = resp.num_wqe_allocated;
+       qp->sq.max_wqe_idx = resp.num_wqe_allocated - 1;
+       qp->sq.entry_size = qp->dev->wqe_size;
+       if (attrs->srq)
+               qp->srq = get_ocrdma_srq(attrs->srq);
+       else {
+               qp->rq.dbid = resp.rq_dbid;
+               qp->rq.max_sges = attrs->cap.max_recv_sge;
+               qp->rq.max_cnt = resp.num_rqe_allocated;
+               qp->rq.max_wqe_idx = resp.num_rqe_allocated - 1;
+               qp->rq.entry_size = qp->dev->rqe_size;
+               qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl = calloc(qp->rq.max_cnt, sizeof(uint64_t));
+               if (qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl == NULL)
+                       goto map_err;
+       }
+       qp->sq_cq = get_ocrdma_cq(attrs->send_cq);
+       qp->rq_cq = get_ocrdma_cq(attrs->recv_cq);
+       qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl = calloc(qp->sq.max_cnt, sizeof(*qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl));
+       if (qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl == NULL)
+               goto map_err;
+       /* currently we support only one virtual page */
+       if ((resp.num_sq_pages > 1) || (!attrs->srq && resp.num_rq_pages > 1))
+               goto map_err;
+       map_addr = mmap(NULL, resp.sq_page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, pd->context->cmd_fd, resp.sq_page_addr[0]);
+       if (map_addr == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto map_err;
+       qp->sq.va = map_addr;
+       qp->sq.len = resp.sq_page_size;
+       qp->db_shift = resp.db_shift;
+       if (!attrs->srq) {
+               map_addr = mmap(NULL, resp.rq_page_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
+                               MAP_SHARED, pd->context->cmd_fd,
+                               resp.rq_page_addr[0]);
+               if (map_addr == MAP_FAILED)
+                       goto map_err;
+               qp->rq.len = resp.rq_page_size;
+               qp->rq.va = map_addr;
+       }
+       map_addr = mmap(NULL, resp.db_page_size, PROT_WRITE,
+                       MAP_SHARED, pd->context->cmd_fd, resp.db_page_addr);
+       if (map_addr == MAP_FAILED)
+               goto map_err;
+       qp->db_va = map_addr;
+       qp->db_sq_va = (uint8_t *) map_addr + resp.db_sq_offset;
+       qp->db_rq_va = (uint8_t *) map_addr + resp.db_rq_offset;
+       qp->db_size = resp.db_page_size;
+       if (resp.dpp_credit) {
+               struct ocrdma_pd *opd = get_ocrdma_pd(pd);
+               map_addr = (uint8_t *) opd->dpp_va +
+                   (resp.dpp_offset * qp->dev->wqe_size);
+               qp->dpp_q.max_cnt = 1;  /* DPP is posted at the same offset */
+               qp->dpp_q.free_cnt = resp.dpp_credit;
+               qp->dpp_q.va = map_addr;
+               qp->dpp_q.head = qp->dpp_q.tail = 0;
+               qp->dpp_q.entry_size = qp->dev->dpp_wqe_size;
+               qp->dpp_q.len = resp.dpp_credit * qp->dev->dpp_wqe_size;
+               qp->dpp_enabled = 1;
+       } else {
+               if (qp->dpp_cq) {
+                       ocrdma_destroy_cq(&qp->dpp_cq->ibv_cq);
+                       qp->dpp_cq = 0;
+               }
+       }
+       qp->state = IBV_QPS_RESET;
+       INIT_DBLY_LIST_NODE(&qp->sq_entry);
+       INIT_DBLY_LIST_NODE(&qp->rq_entry);
+       return &qp->ibv_qp;
+       ocrdma_destroy_qp(&qp->ibv_qp);
+       return NULL;
+       pthread_spin_destroy(&qp->q_lock);
+       free(qp);
+       return NULL;
+ * ocrdma_query_qp
+ */
+int ocrdma_query_qp(struct ibv_qp *qp, struct ibv_qp_attr *attr,
+                   int attr_mask, struct ibv_qp_init_attr *init_attr)
+       struct ibv_query_qp cmd;
+       int status;
+       status =
+           ibv_cmd_query_qp(qp, attr, attr_mask, init_attr, &cmd, sizeof(cmd));
+       return status;
+enum ocrdma_qp_state get_ocrdma_qp_state(enum ibv_qp_state qps)
+       switch (qps) {
+       case IBV_QPS_RESET:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_RST;
+       case IBV_QPS_INIT:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_INIT;
+       case IBV_QPS_RTR:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_RTR;
+       case IBV_QPS_RTS:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_RTS;
+       case IBV_QPS_SQD:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_SQD;
+       case IBV_QPS_SQE:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_SQE;
+       case IBV_QPS_ERR:
+               return OCRDMA_QPS_ERR;
+       };
+       return OCRDMA_QPS_ERR;
+static int ocrdma_is_qp_in_sq_flushlist(struct ocrdma_cq *cq,
+                                       struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       struct ocrdma_qp *list_qp;
+       struct ocrdma_list_node *cur, *tmp;
+       int found = 0;
+       list_for_each_node_safe(cur, tmp, &cq->sq_head) {
+               list_qp = list_node(cur, struct ocrdma_qp, sq_entry);
+               if (qp == list_qp) {
+                       found = 1;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       return found;
+static int ocrdma_is_qp_in_rq_flushlist(struct ocrdma_cq *cq,
+                                       struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       struct ocrdma_qp *list_qp;
+       struct ocrdma_list_node *cur, *tmp;
+       int found = 0;
+       list_for_each_node_safe(cur, tmp, &cq->rq_head) {
+               list_qp = list_node(cur, struct ocrdma_qp, rq_entry);
+               if (qp == list_qp) {
+                       found = 1;
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       return found;
+static void ocrdma_init_hwq_ptr(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       qp->sq.head = qp->sq.tail = 0;
+       qp->rq.head = qp->rq.tail = 0;
+       qp->dpp_q.head = qp->dpp_q.tail = 0;
+       qp->dpp_q.free_cnt = qp->dpp_q.max_cnt;
+static void ocrdma_del_flush_qp(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       int found = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev = qp->dev;
+       /* sync with any active CQ poll */
+       pthread_spin_lock(&dev->flush_q_lock);
+       found = ocrdma_is_qp_in_sq_flushlist(qp->sq_cq, qp);
+       if (found)
+               list_del_node(&qp->sq_entry);
+       if (!qp->srq) {
+               found = ocrdma_is_qp_in_rq_flushlist(qp->rq_cq, qp);
+               if (found)
+                       list_del_node(&qp->rq_entry);
+       }
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&dev->flush_q_lock);
+static void ocrdma_flush_qp(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       int found;
+       pthread_spin_lock(&qp->dev->flush_q_lock);
+       found = ocrdma_is_qp_in_sq_flushlist(qp->sq_cq, qp);
+       if (!found)
+               list_add_node_tail(&qp->sq_entry, &qp->sq_cq->sq_head);
+       if (!qp->srq) {
+               found = ocrdma_is_qp_in_rq_flushlist(qp->rq_cq, qp);
+               if (!found)
+                       list_add_node_tail(&qp->rq_entry, &qp->rq_cq->rq_head);
+       }
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->dev->flush_q_lock);
+static int ocrdma_qp_state_machine(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                  enum ibv_qp_state new_ib_state)
+       int status = 0;
+       enum ocrdma_qp_state new_state;
+       new_state = get_ocrdma_qp_state(new_ib_state);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&qp->q_lock);
+       if (new_state == qp->state) {
+               pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
+               return 1;
+       }
+       switch (qp->state) {
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_RST:
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_RST:
+                       break;
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_INIT:
+                       /* init pointers to place wqe/rqe at start of hw q */
+                       ocrdma_init_hwq_ptr(qp);
+                       /* detach qp from the CQ flush list */
+                       ocrdma_del_flush_qp(qp);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_INIT:
+               /* qps: INIT->XXX */
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_INIT:
+                       break;
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_RTR:
+                       break;
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_ERR:
+                       ocrdma_flush_qp(qp);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       /* invalid state change. */
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_RTR:
+               /* qps: RTS->XXX */
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_RTS:
+                       break;
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_ERR:
+                       ocrdma_flush_qp(qp);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       /* invalid state change. */
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_RTS:
+               /* qps: RTS->XXX */
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_SQD:
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_SQE:
+                       break;
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_ERR:
+                       ocrdma_flush_qp(qp);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       /* invalid state change. */
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_SQD:
+               /* qps: SQD->XXX */
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_RTS:
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_SQE:
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_ERR:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       /* invalid state change. */
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_SQE:
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_RTS:
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_ERR:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       /* invalid state change. */
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_QPS_ERR:
+               /* qps: ERR->XXX */
+               switch (new_state) {
+               case OCRDMA_QPS_RST:
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               };
+               break;
+       default:
+               status = -EINVAL;
+               break;
+       };
+       if (!status)
+               qp->state = new_state;
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_modify_qp
+ */
+int ocrdma_modify_qp(struct ibv_qp *ibqp, struct ibv_qp_attr *attr,
+                    int attr_mask)
+       struct ibv_modify_qp cmd;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp = get_ocrdma_qp(ibqp);
+       int status;
+       status = ibv_cmd_modify_qp(ibqp, attr, attr_mask, &cmd, sizeof cmd);
+       if ((!status) && (attr_mask & IBV_QP_STATE))
+               ocrdma_qp_state_machine(qp, attr->qp_state);
+       return status;
+static void ocrdma_srq_toggle_bit(struct ocrdma_srq *srq, int idx)
+       int i = idx / 32;
+       unsigned int mask = (1 << (idx % 32));
+       if (srq->idx_bit_fields[i] & mask)
+               srq->idx_bit_fields[i] &= ~mask;
+       else
+               srq->idx_bit_fields[i] |= mask;
+static int ocrdma_srq_get_idx(struct ocrdma_srq *srq)
+       int row = 0;
+       int indx = 0;
+       for (row = 0; row < srq->bit_fields_len; row++) {
+               if (srq->idx_bit_fields[row]) {
+                       indx = ffs(srq->idx_bit_fields[row]);
+                       indx = (row * 32) + (indx - 1);
+                       if (indx >= srq->rq.max_cnt)
+                               assert(0);
+                       ocrdma_srq_toggle_bit(srq, indx);
+                       break;
+               }
+       }
+       if (row == srq->bit_fields_len)
+               assert(0);
+       return indx;
+static int ocrdma_dppq_credits(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q)
+       return ((q->max_wqe_idx - q->head) + q->tail) % q->free_cnt;
+static int ocrdma_hwq_free_cnt(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q)
+       return ((q->max_wqe_idx - q->head) + q->tail) % q->max_cnt;
+static int is_hw_sq_empty(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       return ((qp->sq.tail == qp->sq.head) ? 1 : 0);
+static inline int is_hw_rq_empty(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       return ((qp->rq.head == qp->rq.tail) ? 1 : 0);
+static inline void *ocrdma_hwq_head(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q)
+       return q->va + (q->head * q->entry_size);
+static inline void *ocrdma_wq_tail(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q)
+       return q->va + (q->tail * q->entry_size);
+static inline void *ocrdma_hwq_head_from_idx(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q,
+                                            uint32_t idx)
+       return q->va + (idx * q->entry_size);
+static void ocrdma_hwq_inc_head(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q)
+       q->head = (q->head + 1) & q->max_wqe_idx;
+static void ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q)
+       q->tail = (q->tail + 1) & q->max_wqe_idx;
+static inline void ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail_by_idx(struct ocrdma_qp_hwq_info *q,
+                                             int idx)
+       q->tail = (idx + 1) & q->max_wqe_idx;
+static int is_cqe_valid(struct ocrdma_cq *cq, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       int cqe_valid;
+       cqe_valid =
+           ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) & OCRDMA_CQE_VALID;
+       return (cqe_valid == cq->phase);
+static int is_cqe_for_sq(struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       return (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+               OCRDMA_CQE_QTYPE) ? 0 : 1;
+static int is_cqe_imm(struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       return (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+               OCRDMA_CQE_IMM) ? 1 : 0;
+static int is_cqe_wr_imm(struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       return (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+               OCRDMA_CQE_WRITE_IMM) ? 1 : 0;
+static inline void ocrdma_srq_inc_tail(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                      struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       int wqe_idx;
+       wqe_idx = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->rq.buftag_qpn) >>
+           OCRDMA_CQE_BUFTAG_SHIFT) & qp->srq->rq.max_wqe_idx;
+       pthread_spin_lock(&qp->srq->q_lock);
+       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->srq->rq);
+       ocrdma_srq_toggle_bit(qp->srq, wqe_idx);
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->srq->q_lock);
+static void ocrdma_discard_cqes(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_cq *cq)
+       int discard_cnt = 0;
+       uint32_t cur_getp, stop_getp;
+       struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe;
+       uint32_t qpn = 0;
+       int wqe_idx;
+       pthread_spin_lock(&cq->cq_lock);
+       /* traverse through the CQEs in the hw CQ,
+        * find the matching CQE for a given qp,
+        * mark the matching one discarded=1.
+        * discard the cqe.
+        * ring the doorbell in the poll_cq() as
+        * we don't complete out of order cqe.
+        */
+       cur_getp = cq->getp;
+       /* find upto when do we reap the cq. */
+       stop_getp = cur_getp;
+       do {
+               if (is_hw_sq_empty(qp) && (!qp->srq && is_hw_rq_empty(qp)))
+                       break;
+               cqe = cq->va + cur_getp;
+               /* if (a) no valid cqe, or (b) done reading full hw cq, or
+                *    (c) qp_xq becomes empty.
+                * then exit
+                */
+               qpn = ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->cmn.qpn) & OCRDMA_CQE_QPN_MASK;
+               /* if previously discarded cqe found, skip that too. */
+               /* check for matching qp */
+               if ((qpn == 0) || (qpn != qp->id))
+                       goto skip_cqe;
+               /* mark cqe discarded so that it is not picked up later
+                * in the poll_cq().
+                */
+               discard_cnt += 1;
+               /* discard by marking qp_id = 0 */
+               cqe->cmn.qpn = 0;
+               if (is_cqe_for_sq(cqe)) {
+                       wqe_idx = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->wq.wqeidx) &
+                           OCRDMA_CQE_WQEIDX_MASK) & qp->sq.max_wqe_idx;
+                       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail_by_idx(&qp->sq, wqe_idx);
+               } else {
+                       if (qp->srq)
+                               ocrdma_srq_inc_tail(qp, cqe);
+                       else
+                               ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->rq);
+               }
+               cur_getp = (cur_getp + 1) % cq->max_hw_cqe;
+       } while (cur_getp != stop_getp);
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&cq->cq_lock);
+ * ocrdma_destroy_qp
+ */
+int ocrdma_destroy_qp(struct ibv_qp *ibqp)
+       int status = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       int id;
+       qp = get_ocrdma_qp(ibqp);
+       dev = qp->dev;
+       id = dev->id;
+       /*
+        * acquire CQ lock while destroy is in progress, in order to
+        * protect against proessing in-flight CQEs for this QP.
+        */
+       pthread_spin_lock(&qp->sq_cq->cq_lock);
+       if (qp->rq_cq && (qp->rq_cq != qp->sq_cq))
+               pthread_spin_lock(&qp->rq_cq->cq_lock);
+       _ocrdma_del_qpn_map(qp->dev, qp);
+       if (qp->rq_cq && (qp->rq_cq != qp->sq_cq))
+               pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->rq_cq->cq_lock);
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->sq_cq->cq_lock);
+       if (qp->db_va)
+               munmap((void *)qp->db_va, qp->db_size);
+       if (qp->rq.va)
+               munmap(qp->rq.va, qp->rq.len);
+       if (qp->sq.va)
+               munmap(qp->sq.va, qp->sq.len);
+       /* ensure that CQEs for newly created QP (whose id may be same with
+        * one which just getting destroyed are same), dont get
+        * discarded until the old CQEs are discarded.
+        */
+       pthread_mutex_lock(&dev->dev_lock);
+       status = ibv_cmd_destroy_qp(ibqp);
+       ocrdma_discard_cqes(qp, qp->sq_cq);
+       ocrdma_discard_cqes(qp, qp->rq_cq);
+       pthread_mutex_unlock(&dev->dev_lock);
+       ocrdma_del_flush_qp(qp);
+       pthread_spin_destroy(&qp->q_lock);
+       if (qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl)
+               free(qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl);
+       if (qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl)
+               free(qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl);
+       if (qp->dpp_cq)
+               ocrdma_destroy_cq(&qp->dpp_cq->ibv_cq);
+       free(qp);
+       return status;
+static void ocrdma_ring_sq_db(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       uint32_t db_val = ocrdma_cpu_to_le((qp->sq.dbid | (1 << 16)));
+       *(uint32_t *) (((uint8_t *) qp->db_sq_va)) = db_val;
+static void ocrdma_ring_rq_db(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       uint32_t db_val = ocrdma_cpu_to_le((qp->rq.dbid | (1 << qp->db_shift)));
+       *(uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) qp->db_rq_va) = db_val;
+static void ocrdma_ring_srq_db(struct ocrdma_srq *srq)
+       uint32_t db_val = ocrdma_cpu_to_le(srq->rq.dbid | (1 << srq->db_shift));
+       *(uint32_t *) (srq->db_va) = db_val;
+static void ocrdma_ring_cq_db(struct ocrdma_cq *cq, uint32_t armed,
+                             int solicited, uint32_t num_cqe)
+       uint32_t val;
+       val = cq->cq_dbid & OCRDMA_DB_CQ_RING_ID_MASK;
+       val |= ((cq->cq_dbid & OCRDMA_DB_CQ_RING_ID_EXT_MASK) <<
+       if (armed)
+               val |= (1 << OCRDMA_DB_CQ_REARM_SHIFT);
+       if (solicited)
+               val |= (1 << OCRDMA_DB_CQ_SOLICIT_SHIFT);
+       val |= (num_cqe << OCRDMA_DB_CQ_NUM_POPPED_SHIFT);
+       *(uint32_t *) ((uint8_t *) (cq->db_va) + OCRDMA_DB_CQ_OFFSET) =
+           ocrdma_cpu_to_le(val);
+static void ocrdma_build_ud_hdr(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                               struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr,
+                               struct ibv_send_wr *wr)
+       struct ocrdma_ewqe_ud_hdr *ud_hdr =
+           (struct ocrdma_ewqe_ud_hdr *)(hdr + 1);
+       struct ocrdma_ah *ah = get_ocrdma_ah(wr->wr.ud.ah);
+       ud_hdr->rsvd_dest_qpn = wr->wr.ud.remote_qpn;
+       ud_hdr->qkey = wr->wr.ud.remote_qkey;
+       ud_hdr->rsvd_ahid = ah->id;
+static void ocrdma_build_sges(struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr,
+                             struct ocrdma_sge *sge, int num_sge,
+                             struct ibv_sge *sg_list)
+       int i;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_sge; i++) {
+               sge[i].lrkey = sg_list[i].lkey;
+               sge[i].addr_lo = sg_list[i].addr;
+               sge[i].addr_hi = sg_list[i].addr >> 32;
+               sge[i].len = sg_list[i].length;
+               hdr->total_len += sg_list[i].length;
+       }
+       if (num_sge == 0)
+               memset(sge, 0, sizeof(*sge));
+static inline uint32_t ocrdma_sglist_len(struct ibv_sge *sg_list, int num_sge)
+       uint32_t total_len = 0, i;
+       for (i = 0; i < num_sge; i++)
+               total_len += sg_list[i].length;
+       return total_len;
+static inline int ocrdma_build_inline_sges(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                          struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr,
+                                          struct ocrdma_sge *sge,
+                                          struct ibv_send_wr *wr,
+                                          uint32_t wqe_size)
+       int i;
+       if (wr->send_flags & IBV_SEND_INLINE && qp->qp_type != IBV_QPT_UD) {
+               hdr->total_len = ocrdma_sglist_len(wr->sg_list, wr->num_sge);
+               if (hdr->total_len > qp->max_inline_data) {
+                       ocrdma_err
+                       ("%s() supported_len=0x%x, unspported len req=0x%x\n",
+                       __func__, qp->max_inline_data, hdr->total_len);
+                       return -EINVAL;
+               }
+               for (i = 0; i < wr->num_sge; i++) {
+                       memcpy(sge,
+                               (void *)(unsigned long)wr->sg_list[i].addr,
+                               wr->sg_list[i].length);
+                       sge += wr->sg_list[i].length;
+               }
+               wqe_size += ROUND_UP_X(hdr->total_len, OCRDMA_WQE_ALIGN_BYTES);
+               if (0 == hdr->total_len)
+                       wqe_size += sizeof(struct ocrdma_sge);
+               hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_TYPE_INLINE << OCRDMA_WQE_TYPE_SHIFT);
+       } else {
+               ocrdma_build_sges(hdr, sge, wr->num_sge, wr->sg_list);
+               if (wr->num_sge)
+                       wqe_size += (wr->num_sge * sizeof(struct ocrdma_sge));
+               else
+                       wqe_size += sizeof(struct ocrdma_sge);
+               hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_TYPE_LKEY << OCRDMA_WQE_TYPE_SHIFT);
+       }
+       hdr->cw |= ((wqe_size / OCRDMA_WQE_STRIDE) << OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_SHIFT);
+       return 0;
+static int ocrdma_build_send(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr,
+                            struct ibv_send_wr *wr)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_sge *sge;
+       uint32_t wqe_size = sizeof(*hdr);
+       if (qp->qp_type == IBV_QPT_UD) {
+               wqe_size += sizeof(struct ocrdma_ewqe_ud_hdr);
+               ocrdma_build_ud_hdr(qp, hdr, wr);
+               sge = (struct ocrdma_sge *)(hdr + 2);
+       } else
+               sge = (struct ocrdma_sge *)(hdr + 1);
+       status = ocrdma_build_inline_sges(qp, hdr, sge, wr, wqe_size);
+       return status;
+static int ocrdma_build_write(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr,
+                             struct ibv_send_wr *wr)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_sge *ext_rw = (struct ocrdma_sge *)(hdr + 1);
+       struct ocrdma_sge *sge = ext_rw + 1;
+       uint32_t wqe_size = sizeof(*hdr) + sizeof(*ext_rw);
+       status = ocrdma_build_inline_sges(qp, hdr, sge, wr, wqe_size);
+       if (status)
+               return status;
+       ext_rw->addr_lo = wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr;
+       ext_rw->addr_hi = (wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr >> 32);
+       ext_rw->lrkey = wr->wr.rdma.rkey;
+       ext_rw->len = hdr->total_len;
+       return 0;
+static void ocrdma_build_read(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr,
+                             struct ibv_send_wr *wr)
+       struct ocrdma_sge *ext_rw = (struct ocrdma_sge *)(hdr + 1);
+       struct ocrdma_sge *sge = ext_rw + 1;
+       uint32_t wqe_size = ((wr->num_sge + 1) * sizeof(*sge)) + sizeof(*hdr);
+       hdr->cw |= ((wqe_size / OCRDMA_WQE_STRIDE) << OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_SHIFT);
+       hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_READ << OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT);
+       ocrdma_build_sges(hdr, sge, wr->num_sge, wr->sg_list);
+       ext_rw->addr_lo = wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr;
+       ext_rw->addr_hi = (wr->wr.rdma.remote_addr >> 32);
+       ext_rw->lrkey = wr->wr.rdma.rkey;
+       ext_rw->len = hdr->total_len;
+/* Dpp cq is single entry cq, we just need to read
+ * wqe index from first 16 bits at 0th cqe index.
+ */
+static void ocrdma_poll_dpp_cq(struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq = qp->dpp_cq;
+       struct ocrdma_dpp_cqe *cqe;
+       int idx = 0;
+       cqe = ((struct ocrdma_dpp_cqe *)cq->va);
+       idx = cqe->wqe_idx_valid & OCRDMA_DPP_WQE_INDEX_MASK;
+       if (idx != qp->dpp_prev_indx) {
+               ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail_by_idx(&qp->dpp_q, idx);
+               qp->dpp_prev_indx = idx;
+       }
+static uint32_t ocrdma_get_hdr_len(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                  struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr)
+       uint32_t hdr_sz = sizeof(*hdr);
+       if (qp->qp_type == IBV_QPT_UD)
+               hdr_sz += sizeof(struct ocrdma_ewqe_ud_hdr);
+       if (hdr->cw & (OCRDMA_WRITE << OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT))
+               hdr_sz += sizeof(struct ocrdma_sge);
+       return hdr_sz / sizeof(uint32_t);
+static void ocrdma_build_dpp_wqe(void *va, struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *wqe,
+                                uint32_t hdr_len)
+       uint32_t pyld_len = (wqe->cw >> OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_SHIFT) * 2;
+       uint32_t i = 0;
+       /* convert WQE header to LE format */
+       for (; i < hdr_len; i++)
+               *((uint32_t *) va + i) =
+                       ocrdma_cpu_to_le(*((uint32_t *) wqe + i));
+       /* Convertion of data is done in HW */
+       for (; i < pyld_len; i++)
+               *((uint32_t *) va + i) = (*((uint32_t *) wqe + i));
+       wc_wmb();
+static void ocrdma_post_dpp_wqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                               struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr)
+       if (qp->dpp_cq && ocrdma_dppq_credits(&qp->dpp_q) == 0)
+               ocrdma_poll_dpp_cq(qp);
+       if (!qp->dpp_cq || ocrdma_dppq_credits(&qp->dpp_q)) {
+               ocrdma_build_dpp_wqe(qp->dpp_q.va, hdr,
+                                    ocrdma_get_hdr_len(qp, hdr));
+               qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->sq.head].dpp_wqe = 1;
+               qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->sq.head].dpp_wqe_idx = qp->dpp_q.head;
+               /* if dpp cq is not enabled, we can post
+                * wqe as soon as we receive and adapter
+                * takes care of flow control.
+                */
+               if (qp->dpp_cq)
+                       ocrdma_hwq_inc_head(&qp->dpp_q);
+       } else
+               qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->sq.head].dpp_wqe = 0;
+ * ocrdma_post_send
+ */
+int ocrdma_post_send(struct ibv_qp *ib_qp, struct ibv_send_wr *wr,
+                    struct ibv_send_wr **bad_wr)
+       int status = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr;
+       qp = get_ocrdma_qp(ib_qp);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&qp->q_lock);
+       if (qp->state != OCRDMA_QPS_RTS && qp->state != OCRDMA_QPS_SQD) {
+               pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
+               *bad_wr = wr;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       while (wr) {
+               if (ocrdma_hwq_free_cnt(&qp->sq) == 0 ||
+                   wr->num_sge > qp->sq.max_sges) {
+                       *bad_wr = wr;
+                       status = -ENOMEM;
+                       break;
+               }
+               hdr = ocrdma_hwq_head(&qp->sq);
+               hdr->cw = 0;
+               hdr->total_len = 0;
+               if (wr->send_flags & IBV_SEND_SIGNALED || qp->signaled)
+                       hdr->cw = (OCRDMA_FLAG_SIG << OCRDMA_WQE_FLAGS_SHIFT);
+               if (wr->send_flags & IBV_SEND_FENCE)
+                       hdr->cw |=
+                           (OCRDMA_FLAG_FENCE_L << OCRDMA_WQE_FLAGS_SHIFT);
+               if (wr->send_flags & IBV_SEND_SOLICITED)
+                       hdr->cw |=
+                           (OCRDMA_FLAG_SOLICIT << OCRDMA_WQE_FLAGS_SHIFT);
+               qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->sq.head].wrid = wr->wr_id;
+               switch (wr->opcode) {
+               case IBV_WR_SEND_WITH_IMM:
+                       hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_FLAG_IMM << OCRDMA_WQE_FLAGS_SHIFT);
+                       hdr->immdt = ntohl(wr->imm_data);
+               case IBV_WR_SEND:
+                       hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_SEND << OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT);
+                       status = ocrdma_build_send(qp, hdr, wr);
+                       break;
+               case IBV_WR_RDMA_WRITE_WITH_IMM:
+                       hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_FLAG_IMM << OCRDMA_WQE_FLAGS_SHIFT);
+                       hdr->immdt = ntohl(wr->imm_data);
+               case IBV_WR_RDMA_WRITE:
+                       hdr->cw |= (OCRDMA_WRITE << OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_SHIFT);
+                       status = ocrdma_build_write(qp, hdr, wr);
+                       break;
+               case IBV_WR_RDMA_READ:
+                       ocrdma_build_read(qp, hdr, wr);
+                       break;
+               default:
+                       status = -EINVAL;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (status) {
+                       *bad_wr = wr;
+                       break;
+               }
+               if (wr->send_flags & IBV_SEND_SIGNALED || qp->signaled)
+                       qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->sq.head].signaled = 1;
+               else
+                       qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->sq.head].signaled = 0;
+               if (qp->dpp_enabled && (wr->send_flags & IBV_SEND_INLINE))
+                       ocrdma_post_dpp_wqe(qp, hdr);
+               ocrdma_swap_cpu_to_le(hdr, ((hdr->cw >> OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_SHIFT) &
+                                     OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_MASK) *
+                                     OCRDMA_WQE_STRIDE);
+               wmb();
+               ocrdma_ring_sq_db(qp);
+               /* update pointer, counter for next wr */
+               ocrdma_hwq_inc_head(&qp->sq);
+               wr = wr->next;
+       }
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
+       return status;
+static void ocrdma_build_rqe(struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *rqe, struct ibv_recv_wr *wr,
+                            uint16_t tag)
+       struct ocrdma_sge *sge;
+       uint32_t wqe_size;
+       if (wr->num_sge)
+               wqe_size = (wr->num_sge * sizeof(*sge)) + sizeof(*rqe);
+       else
+               wqe_size = sizeof(*sge) + sizeof(*rqe);
+       rqe->cw = ((wqe_size / OCRDMA_WQE_STRIDE) << OCRDMA_WQE_SIZE_SHIFT);
+       rqe->total_len = 0;
+       rqe->rsvd_tag = tag;
+       sge = (struct ocrdma_sge *)(rqe + 1);
+       ocrdma_build_sges(rqe, sge, wr->num_sge, wr->sg_list);
+       ocrdma_swap_cpu_to_le(rqe, wqe_size);
+ * ocrdma_post_recv
+ */
+int ocrdma_post_recv(struct ibv_qp *ibqp, struct ibv_recv_wr *wr,
+                    struct ibv_recv_wr **bad_wr)
+       int status = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *rqe;
+       qp = get_ocrdma_qp(ibqp);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&qp->q_lock);
+       if (qp->state == OCRDMA_QPS_RST || qp->state == OCRDMA_QPS_ERR) {
+               pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
+               *bad_wr = wr;
+               return -EINVAL;
+       }
+       while (wr) {
+               if (ocrdma_hwq_free_cnt(&qp->rq) == 0 ||
+                   wr->num_sge > qp->rq.max_sges) {
+                       status = -ENOMEM;
+                       *bad_wr = wr;
+                       break;
+               }
+               rqe = ocrdma_hwq_head(&qp->rq);
+               ocrdma_build_rqe(rqe, wr, 0);
+               qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->rq.head] = wr->wr_id;
+               wmb();
+               ocrdma_ring_rq_db(qp);
+               /* update pointer, counter for next wr */
+               ocrdma_hwq_inc_head(&qp->rq);
+               wr = wr->next;
+       }
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&qp->q_lock);
+       return status;
+static enum ibv_wc_status ocrdma_to_ibwc_err(uint16_t status)
+       enum ibv_wc_opcode ibwc_status = IBV_WC_GENERAL_ERR;
+       switch (status) {
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_GENERAL_ERR;
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_LEN_ERR:
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_LOC_LEN_ERR;
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_CQE_LOC_QP_OP_ERR:
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_LOC_QP_OP_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_LOC_EEC_OP_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_LOC_PROT_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_WR_FLUSH_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_BAD_RESP_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_LOC_ACCESS_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_REM_INV_REQ_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_REM_ACCESS_ERR;
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_CQE_REM_OP_ERR:
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_REM_OP_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_RETRY_EXC_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_RNR_RETRY_EXC_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_LOC_RDD_VIOL_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_REM_INV_RD_REQ_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_REM_ABORT_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_INV_EECN_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_INV_EEC_STATE_ERR;
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_CQE_FATAL_ERR:
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_FATAL_ERR;
+               break;
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_RESP_TIMEOUT_ERR;
+               break;
+       default:
+               ibwc_status = IBV_WC_GENERAL_ERR;
+               break;
+       };
+       return ibwc_status;
+static void ocrdma_update_wc(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ibv_wc *ibwc,
+                            uint32_t wqe_idx)
+       struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *hdr;
+       struct ocrdma_sge *rw;
+       int opcode;
+       hdr = ocrdma_hwq_head_from_idx(&qp->sq, wqe_idx);
+       ibwc->wr_id = qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[wqe_idx].wrid;
+       /* Undo the hdr->cw swap */
+       opcode = ocrdma_le_to_cpu(hdr->cw) & OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_MASK;
+       switch (opcode) {
+       case OCRDMA_WRITE:
+               ibwc->opcode = IBV_WC_RDMA_WRITE;
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_READ:
+               rw = (struct ocrdma_sge *)(hdr + 1);
+               ibwc->opcode = IBV_WC_RDMA_READ;
+               ibwc->byte_len = rw->len;
+               break;
+       case OCRDMA_SEND:
+               ibwc->opcode = IBV_WC_SEND;
+               break;
+       default:
+               ibwc->status = IBV_WC_GENERAL_ERR;
+               ocrdma_err("%s() invalid opcode received = 0x%x\n",
+                          __func__, hdr->cw & OCRDMA_WQE_OPCODE_MASK);
+               break;
+       };
+static void ocrdma_set_cqe_status_flushed(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                         struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       if (is_cqe_for_sq(cqe)) {
+               cqe->flags_status_srcqpn =
+                   ocrdma_cpu_to_le(ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn)
+                                    & ~OCRDMA_CQE_STATUS_MASK);
+               cqe->flags_status_srcqpn =
+                   ocrdma_cpu_to_le(ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn)
+                                    | (OCRDMA_CQE_WR_FLUSH_ERR <<
+                                       OCRDMA_CQE_STATUS_SHIFT));
+       } else {
+               if (qp->qp_type == IBV_QPT_UD) {
+                       cqe->flags_status_srcqpn =
+                           ocrdma_cpu_to_le(ocrdma_le_to_cpu
+                                            (cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+                                            ~OCRDMA_CQE_UD_STATUS_MASK);
+                       cqe->flags_status_srcqpn =
+                           ocrdma_cpu_to_le(ocrdma_le_to_cpu
+                                            (cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) |
+                                            (OCRDMA_CQE_WR_FLUSH_ERR <<
+                                             OCRDMA_CQE_UD_STATUS_SHIFT));
+               } else {
+                       cqe->flags_status_srcqpn =
+                           ocrdma_cpu_to_le(ocrdma_le_to_cpu
+                                            (cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+                                            ~OCRDMA_CQE_STATUS_MASK);
+                       cqe->flags_status_srcqpn =
+                           ocrdma_cpu_to_le(ocrdma_le_to_cpu
+                                            (cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) |
+                                            (OCRDMA_CQE_WR_FLUSH_ERR <<
+                                             OCRDMA_CQE_STATUS_SHIFT));
+               }
+       }
+static int ocrdma_update_err_cqe(struct ibv_wc *ibwc, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                                struct ocrdma_qp *qp, int status)
+       int expand = 0;
+       ibwc->byte_len = 0;
+       ibwc->qp_num = qp->id;
+       ibwc->status = ocrdma_to_ibwc_err(status);
+       ocrdma_flush_qp(qp);
+       ocrdma_qp_state_machine(qp, IBV_QPS_ERR);
+       /* if wqe/rqe pending for which cqe needs to be returned,
+        * trigger inflating it.
+        */
+       if (!is_hw_rq_empty(qp) || !is_hw_sq_empty(qp)) {
+               expand = 1;
+               ocrdma_set_cqe_status_flushed(qp, cqe);
+       }
+       return expand;
+static int ocrdma_update_err_rcqe(struct ibv_wc *ibwc, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                                 struct ocrdma_qp *qp, int status)
+       ibwc->opcode = IBV_WC_RECV;
+       ibwc->wr_id = qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->rq.tail];
+       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->rq);
+       return ocrdma_update_err_cqe(ibwc, cqe, qp, status);
+static int ocrdma_update_err_scqe(struct ibv_wc *ibwc, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                                 struct ocrdma_qp *qp, int status)
+       ocrdma_update_wc(qp, ibwc, qp->sq.tail);
+       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->sq);
+       return ocrdma_update_err_cqe(ibwc, cqe, qp, status);
+static int ocrdma_poll_err_scqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                               struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe, struct ibv_wc *ibwc,
+                               int *polled, int *stop)
+       int expand;
+       int status = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+       /* when hw sq is empty, but rq is not empty, so we continue
+        * to keep the cqe in order to get the cq event again.
+        */
+       if (is_hw_sq_empty(qp) && !is_hw_rq_empty(qp)) {
+               /* when cq for rq and sq is same, it is safe to return
+                * flush cqe for RQEs.
+                */
+               if (!qp->srq && (qp->sq_cq == qp->rq_cq)) {
+                       *polled = 1;
+                       status = OCRDMA_CQE_WR_FLUSH_ERR;
+                       expand = ocrdma_update_err_rcqe(ibwc, cqe, qp, status);
+               } else {
+                       *polled = 0;
+                       *stop = 1;
+                       expand = 0;
+               }
+       } else {
+               *polled = 1;
+               expand = ocrdma_update_err_scqe(ibwc, cqe, qp, status);
+       }
+       return expand;
+static int ocrdma_poll_success_scqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                   struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                                   struct ibv_wc *ibwc, int *polled)
+       int expand = 0;
+       int tail = qp->sq.tail;
+       uint32_t wqe_idx;
+       if (!qp->wqe_wr_id_tbl[tail].signaled) {
+               *polled = 0;    /* WC cannot be consumed yet */
+       } else {
+               ibwc->status = IBV_WC_SUCCESS;
+               ibwc->wc_flags = 0;
+               ibwc->qp_num = qp->id;
+               ocrdma_update_wc(qp, ibwc, tail);
+               *polled = 1;
+       }
+       wqe_idx = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->wq.wqeidx) &
+           OCRDMA_CQE_WQEIDX_MASK) & qp->sq.max_wqe_idx;
+       if (tail != wqe_idx)    /* CQE cannot be consumed yet */
+               expand = 1;     /* Coallesced CQE */
+       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->sq);
+       return expand;
+static int ocrdma_poll_scqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                           struct ibv_wc *ibwc, int *polled, int *stop)
+       int status, expand;
+       status = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+       if (status == OCRDMA_CQE_SUCCESS)
+               expand = ocrdma_poll_success_scqe(qp, cqe, ibwc, polled);
+       else
+               expand = ocrdma_poll_err_scqe(qp, cqe, ibwc, polled, stop);
+       return expand;
+static int ocrdma_update_ud_rcqe(struct ibv_wc *ibwc, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe)
+       int status;
+       status = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+       ibwc->src_qp = ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+       ibwc->pkey_index = ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->ud.rxlen_pkey) &
+       ibwc->wc_flags = IBV_WC_GRH;
+       ibwc->byte_len = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->ud.rxlen_pkey) >>
+                         OCRDMA_CQE_UD_XFER_LEN_SHIFT);
+       return status;
+static void ocrdma_update_free_srq_cqe(struct ibv_wc *ibwc,
+                                      struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                                      struct ocrdma_qp *qp)
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq = 0;
+       uint32_t wqe_idx;
+       srq = get_ocrdma_srq(qp->ibv_qp.srq);
+#if !defined(SKH_A0_WORKAROUND) /* BUG 113416 */
+       wqe_idx = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->rq.buftag_qpn) >>
+           OCRDMA_CQE_BUFTAG_SHIFT) & srq->rq.max_wqe_idx;
+       wqe_idx = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn)) & 0xFFFF;
+       ibwc->wr_id = srq->rqe_wr_id_tbl[wqe_idx];
+       pthread_spin_lock(&srq->q_lock);
+       ocrdma_srq_toggle_bit(srq, wqe_idx);
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&srq->q_lock);
+       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&srq->rq);
+static int ocrdma_poll_err_rcqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                               struct ibv_wc *ibwc, int *polled, int *stop,
+                               int status)
+       int expand;
+       /* when hw_rq is empty, but wq is not empty, so continue
+        * to keep the cqe to get the cq event again.
+        */
+       if (is_hw_rq_empty(qp) && !is_hw_sq_empty(qp)) {
+               if (!qp->srq && (qp->sq_cq == qp->rq_cq)) {
+                       *polled = 1;
+                       status = OCRDMA_CQE_WR_FLUSH_ERR;
+                       expand = ocrdma_update_err_scqe(ibwc, cqe, qp, status);
+               } else {
+                       *polled = 0;
+                       *stop = 1;
+                       expand = 0;
+               }
+       } else {
+               *polled = 1;
+               expand = ocrdma_update_err_rcqe(ibwc, cqe, qp, status);
+       }
+       return expand;
+static void ocrdma_poll_success_rcqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp,
+                                    struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                                    struct ibv_wc *ibwc)
+       ibwc->opcode = IBV_WC_RECV;
+       ibwc->qp_num = qp->id;
+       ibwc->status = IBV_WC_SUCCESS;
+       if (qp->qp_type == IBV_QPT_UD)
+               ocrdma_update_ud_rcqe(ibwc, cqe);
+       else
+               ibwc->byte_len = ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->rq.rxlen);
+       if (is_cqe_imm(cqe)) {
+               ibwc->imm_data = htonl(ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->rq.lkey_immdt));
+               ibwc->wc_flags |= IBV_WC_WITH_IMM;
+       } else if (is_cqe_wr_imm(cqe)) {
+               ibwc->opcode = IBV_WC_RECV_RDMA_WITH_IMM;
+               ibwc->imm_data = htonl(ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->rq.lkey_immdt));
+               ibwc->wc_flags |= IBV_WC_WITH_IMM;
+       }
+       if (qp->ibv_qp.srq)
+               ocrdma_update_free_srq_cqe(ibwc, cqe, qp);
+       else {
+               ibwc->wr_id = qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->rq.tail];
+               ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->rq);
+       }
+static int ocrdma_poll_rcqe(struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe,
+                           struct ibv_wc *ibwc, int *polled, int *stop)
+       int status;
+       int expand = 0;
+       ibwc->wc_flags = 0;
+       if (qp->qp_type == IBV_QPT_UD)
+               status = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+       else
+               status = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->flags_status_srcqpn) &
+       if (status == OCRDMA_CQE_SUCCESS) {
+               *polled = 1;
+               ocrdma_poll_success_rcqe(qp, cqe, ibwc);
+       } else {
+               expand = ocrdma_poll_err_rcqe(qp, cqe, ibwc, polled, stop,
+                                             status);
+       }
+       return expand;
+static void ocrdma_change_cq_phase(struct ocrdma_cq *cq,
+                                  struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe, uint16_t cur_getp)
+       if (cq->phase_change) {
+               if (cur_getp == 0)
+                       cq->phase = (~cq->phase & OCRDMA_CQE_VALID);
+       } else
+               cqe->flags_status_srcqpn = 0;   /* clear valid bit */
+static int ocrdma_poll_hwcq(struct ocrdma_cq *cq, int num_entries,
+                           struct ibv_wc *ibwc)
+       uint16_t qpn = 0;
+       int i = 0;
+       int expand = 0;
+       int polled_hw_cqes = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp = NULL;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev = cq->dev;
+       struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe;
+       uint16_t cur_getp;
+       int polled = 0;
+       int stop = 0;
+       cur_getp = cq->getp;
+       while (num_entries) {
+               cqe = cq->va + cur_getp;
+               /* check whether valid cqe or not */
+               if (!is_cqe_valid(cq, cqe))
+                       break;
+               qpn = (ocrdma_le_to_cpu(cqe->cmn.qpn) & OCRDMA_CQE_QPN_MASK);
+               /* ignore discarded cqe */
+               if (qpn == 0)
+                       goto skip_cqe;
+               qp = dev->qp_tbl[qpn];
+               if (qp == NULL) {
+                       ocrdma_err("%s() cqe for invalid qpn= 0x%x received.\n",
+                                  __func__, qpn);
+                       goto skip_cqe;
+               }
+               if (is_cqe_for_sq(cqe)) {
+                       expand = ocrdma_poll_scqe(qp, cqe, ibwc, &polled,
+                                                 &stop);
+               } else {
+                       expand = ocrdma_poll_rcqe(qp, cqe, ibwc, &polled,
+                                                 &stop);
+               }
+               if (expand)
+                       goto expand_cqe;
+               if (stop)
+                       goto stop_cqe;
+               /* clear qpn to avoid duplicate processing by discard_cqe() */
+               cqe->cmn.qpn = 0;
+               polled_hw_cqes += 1;
+               cur_getp = (cur_getp + 1) % cq->max_hw_cqe;
+               ocrdma_change_cq_phase(cq, cqe, cur_getp);
+               if (polled) {
+                       num_entries -= 1;
+                       i += 1;
+                       ibwc = ibwc + 1;
+                       polled = 0;
+               }
+       }
+       cq->getp = cur_getp;
+       if (polled_hw_cqes || expand || stop)
+               ocrdma_ring_cq_db(cq, cq->armed, cq->solicited, polled_hw_cqes);
+       return i;
+static int ocrdma_add_err_cqe(struct ocrdma_cq *cq, int num_entries,
+                             struct ocrdma_qp *qp, struct ibv_wc *ibwc)
+       int err_cqes = 0;
+       while (num_entries) {
+               if (is_hw_sq_empty(qp) && is_hw_rq_empty(qp))
+                       break;
+               if (!is_hw_sq_empty(qp) && qp->sq_cq == cq) {
+                       ocrdma_update_wc(qp, ibwc, qp->sq.tail);
+                       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->sq);
+               } else if (!is_hw_rq_empty(qp) && qp->rq_cq == cq) {
+                       ibwc->wr_id = qp->rqe_wr_id_tbl[qp->rq.tail];
+                       ocrdma_hwq_inc_tail(&qp->rq);
+               } else
+                       return err_cqes;
+               ibwc->byte_len = 0;
+               ibwc->status = IBV_WC_WR_FLUSH_ERR;
+               ibwc = ibwc + 1;
+               err_cqes += 1;
+               num_entries -= 1;
+       }
+       return err_cqes;
+ * ocrdma_poll_cq
+ */
+int ocrdma_poll_cq(struct ibv_cq *ibcq, int num_entries, struct ibv_wc *wc)
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq;
+       int cqes_to_poll = num_entries;
+       int num_os_cqe = 0, err_cqes = 0;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       struct ocrdma_list_node *cur, *tmp;
+       cq = get_ocrdma_cq(ibcq);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&cq->cq_lock);
+       num_os_cqe = ocrdma_poll_hwcq(cq, num_entries, wc);
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&cq->cq_lock);
+       cqes_to_poll -= num_os_cqe;
+       if (cqes_to_poll) {
+               wc = wc + num_os_cqe;
+               pthread_spin_lock(&cq->dev->flush_q_lock);
+               list_for_each_node_safe(cur, tmp, &cq->sq_head) {
+                       qp = list_node(cur, struct ocrdma_qp, sq_entry);
+                       if (cqes_to_poll == 0)
+                               break;
+                       err_cqes = ocrdma_add_err_cqe(cq, cqes_to_poll, qp, wc);
+                       cqes_to_poll -= err_cqes;
+                       num_os_cqe += err_cqes;
+                       wc = wc + err_cqes;
+               }
+               pthread_spin_unlock(&cq->dev->flush_q_lock);
+       }
+       return num_os_cqe;
+ * ocrdma_arm_cq
+ */
+int ocrdma_arm_cq(struct ibv_cq *ibcq, int solicited)
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq;
+       uint16_t cur_getp;
+       struct ocrdma_cqe *cqe;
+       cq = get_ocrdma_cq(ibcq);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&cq->cq_lock);
+       cur_getp = cq->getp;
+       cqe = cq->va + cur_getp;
+       cq->armed = 1;
+       cq->solicited = solicited;
+       /* check whether any valid cqe exist or not, if not then safe to
+        * arm. If cqe is not yet consumed, then let it get consumed and then
+        * we arm it to avoid 0 interrupts.
+        */
+       if (!is_cqe_valid(cq, cqe) || cq->arm_needed) {
+               cq->arm_needed = 0;
+               ocrdma_ring_cq_db(cq, cq->armed, cq->solicited, 0);
+       }
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&cq->cq_lock);
+       return 0;
+void ocrdma_cq_handler(struct ibv_cq *ibcq)
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq;
+       cq = get_ocrdma_cq(ibcq);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&cq->cq_lock);
+       cq->armed = 0;
+       cq->solicited = 0;
+       ocrdma_ring_cq_db(cq, cq->armed, cq->solicited, 0);
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&cq->cq_lock);
+ * ocrdma_post_srq_recv
+ */
+int ocrdma_post_srq_recv(struct ibv_srq *ibsrq, struct ibv_recv_wr *wr,
+                        struct ibv_recv_wr **bad_wr)
+       int status = 0;
+       uint16_t tag;
+       struct ocrdma_srq *srq;
+       struct ocrdma_hdr_wqe *rqe;
+       srq = get_ocrdma_srq(ibsrq);
+       pthread_spin_lock(&srq->q_lock);
+       while (wr) {
+               if (ocrdma_hwq_free_cnt(&srq->rq) == 0 ||
+                   wr->num_sge > srq->rq.max_sges) {
+                       status = -ENOMEM;
+                       *bad_wr = wr;
+                       break;
+               }
+               rqe = ocrdma_hwq_head(&srq->rq);
+               tag = ocrdma_srq_get_idx(srq);
+               ocrdma_build_rqe(rqe, wr, tag);
+               srq->rqe_wr_id_tbl[tag] = wr->wr_id;
+               wmb();
+               ocrdma_ring_srq_db(srq);
+               /* update pointer, counter for next wr */
+               ocrdma_hwq_inc_head(&srq->rq);
+               wr = wr->next;
+       }
+       pthread_spin_unlock(&srq->q_lock);
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_create_ah
+ */
+struct ibv_ah *ocrdma_create_ah(struct ibv_pd *ibpd, struct ibv_ah_attr *attr)
+       int status;
+       int ahtbl_idx;
+       struct ocrdma_pd *pd;
+       struct ocrdma_ah *ah;
+       pd = get_ocrdma_pd(ibpd);
+       ah = malloc(sizeof *ah);
+       if (!ah)
+               return NULL;
+       bzero(ah, sizeof *ah);
+       ah->pd = pd;
+       ahtbl_idx = ocrdma_alloc_ah_tbl_id(pd->uctx);
+       if (ahtbl_idx < 0)
+               goto tbl_err;
+       attr->dlid = ahtbl_idx;
+       status = ibv_cmd_create_ah(ibpd, &ah->ibv_ah, attr);
+       if (status)
+               goto cmd_err;
+       ah->id = pd->uctx->ah_tbl[ahtbl_idx];
+       return &ah->ibv_ah;
+       ocrdma_free_ah_tbl_id(pd->uctx, ahtbl_idx);
+       free(ah);
+       return NULL;
+ * ocrdma_destroy_ah
+ */
+int ocrdma_destroy_ah(struct ibv_ah *ibah)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_ah *ah;
+       struct ocrdma_device *dev;
+       ah = get_ocrdma_ah(ibah);
+       dev = ah->pd->dev;
+       status = ibv_cmd_destroy_ah(ibah);
+       ocrdma_free_ah_tbl_id(ah->pd->uctx, ah->id);
+       free(ah);
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_attach_mcast
+ */
+int ocrdma_attach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *ibqp, const union ibv_gid *gid,
+                       uint16_t lid)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       qp = get_ocrdma_qp(ibqp);
+       status = ibv_cmd_attach_mcast(ibqp, gid, lid);
+       return status;
+ * ocrdma_detach_mcast
+ */
+int ocrdma_detach_mcast(struct ibv_qp *ibqp, const union ibv_gid *gid,
+                       uint16_t lid)
+       int status;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp;
+       qp = get_ocrdma_qp(ibqp);
+       status = ibv_cmd_detach_mcast(ibqp, gid, lid);
+       return status;
+void ocrdma_async_event(struct ibv_async_event *event)
+       struct ocrdma_cq *cq = NULL;
+       struct ocrdma_qp *qp = NULL;
+       switch (event->event_type) {
+       case IBV_EVENT_CQ_ERR:
+               cq = get_ocrdma_cq(event->element.cq);
+               break;
+       case IBV_EVENT_QP_FATAL:
+       case IBV_EVENT_QP_REQ_ERR:
+       case IBV_EVENT_PATH_MIG_ERR:{
+                       qp = get_ocrdma_qp(event->element.qp);
+                       break;
+               }
+       case IBV_EVENT_SQ_DRAINED:
+       case IBV_EVENT_PATH_MIG:
+       case IBV_EVENT_COMM_EST:
+               break;
+       case IBV_EVENT_PORT_ERR:
+               break;
+       default:
+               break;
+       }